[ficlet] Past the Red Lights (H50, Steve/Danny, PG)

Apr 04, 2011 22:56

Title: Past the Red Lights
Author: tiptoe39
Fandom: Hawaii 5-0
Pairing: Steve/Danny
Rating: PG
Summary: Danny figures that Rachel has a type. This is a coda to episode 1x16. If you have never seen Steve in camo makeup, you haven't seen this ep yet.

That's who they were together. )

oh boys, it's cas and gabe in a cop show au, fanfic

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Comments 48

siehn April 5 2011, 03:08:19 UTC
Danny will hold the line for him. He's the safe one, isn't he? He'll keep Steve grounded until the time comes for Steve to hold him back, instead. And when neither of them have to hold back, that's when things will get interesting.

That's just how they are together.


Loved this, it was so very them, and just. DANNY. Kudos to you.


tiptoe39 April 5 2011, 11:06:40 UTC
Thank you so much!!! :) I am so pleased you enjoyed it <3


saavikam77 April 5 2011, 03:11:45 UTC
*happy sigh*

I haven't been reading nearly enough slash lately, and this just hit the spot. ^____^


huntress69 April 5 2011, 03:14:36 UTC
I'm just hijacking your comment to wave to ya, Saavikam!!


saavikam77 April 5 2011, 03:19:21 UTC
Haha! *waves back* :)


tiptoe39 April 5 2011, 11:07:31 UTC
Hi baby!! Miss you, it's been too long! I know I've been slacking on my LJ presence, but I was just thinking about you yesterday adn wondering how you'd been doing. *cuddles* Do we have a new fandom to share? Because eeee :)


huntress69 April 5 2011, 03:13:27 UTC
I really enjoyed this, and yes, I think Danny wanted Stan to have done something bad. And I also think that Danny and Steve each have a type, and now that Danny has figured it out, maybe Steve will also. And on a side note, I love your header. (Humming theme song in my head now LOL and giggling at the thought of "Sailor Danno" - yes, I am sick puppy and I know it).


tiptoe39 April 5 2011, 11:08:46 UTC
Oh, God.... Why is it that every fandom must needs inspire a cracky Sailor Moon crossover? Oh, right, because Sailor Moon is awesome.... :) :)

What would his attack be? Danno Tie Whiplash? Danno Slurry-Voice Sexbomb?

And thank you!


huntress69 April 6 2011, 02:14:25 UTC
Danno Tie Whiplash



embroiderama April 5 2011, 03:25:23 UTC
Aw man, I love this.

It's a goddamn irony, is what it is. He spends so much of his life trying to talk Steve off cliffs, he's forgotten that to some people, he's not the safe alternative. That's what happens when you live day in and day out with a freaking Navy SEAL. You forget that to normal people, you're still kind of a hothead.

Heh, somehow that's both funny and the tragedy of Danny's life all at the same time.


tiptoe39 April 5 2011, 11:09:26 UTC
Thank you, I'm really glad it rang true :)


gyri April 5 2011, 03:29:02 UTC
Ahhhhh. MY heart is throbbing!


tiptoe39 April 5 2011, 11:09:51 UTC
Aww! *cuddles* Thank you, i hope your heart feels better!


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