Jul 13, 2010 07:50

Today's my birthday, so I think I'll host...

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tippy's bright idea of the day

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Comments 37

tiptoe39 July 13 2010, 11:51:59 UTC

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tiptoe39 July 13 2010, 12:45:39 UTC
YAY! I wish I had the seasons on DVD!!!!! I really miss being able to watch SM any time ...

But now you're supposed to comment with your username, silly! so I can tell you what i'd get you for YOUR birthday! merrrr.


takhallus July 13 2010, 12:20:24 UTC
I would give you Misha Collins covered in Kefir

... )


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tiptoe39 July 13 2010, 12:52:42 UTC
First of all I would rewind time so i could have met you @ the con. Then I would buy us all meet n greet tix and we would go hang out with the con guests in the green room. Finally, I would buy a bottle.

An empty bottle.

So we could play the game where we all spin it.

(You'll have to save the invisible twister mat for next year. ^ooooo^)


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tiptoe39 July 13 2010, 13:36:16 UTC
They were amazing. Matt was so cool. Nnngh. asjdkflj;l. I will never get over this weekend, it was just so damned amazing, I swear.....


takhallus July 13 2010, 12:56:28 UTC
tiptoe39 July 13 2010, 13:37:40 UTC
I would commission a combination photo shoot of Zachary Quinto's milk picture and Misha's Kefir picture and send them to your house to shoot.


takhallus July 13 2010, 14:19:51 UTC
I don't know what it is about hot guys covered in white liquid that gets me


tiptoe39 July 13 2010, 14:26:55 UTC
I do. XD


saavikam77 July 13 2010, 13:28:15 UTC
tiptoe39 July 13 2010, 13:39:54 UTC
First, I would build a custom Metro line so you could come over whenevs. Then, I would give you a magical machine that would allow you to fix Jared Padalecki's hair whenever it needed it. Then, I would wrap Brandon Routh in the American flag and have him fly you to Vancouver to fix all that stuff. And when I say fly, I mean fly.


saavikam77 July 13 2010, 13:43:46 UTC
Ungh, Brandon.... *drools*

Ahem! Sorry, brain shorted out there. :p

HEEE!! XD And I totally want to come see you again, too! I still haven't seen your new place. *wibble*


tiptoe39 July 13 2010, 13:46:28 UTC
You're welcome any time at all! :D


bonwor July 13 2010, 13:32:58 UTC

Tenner says someone will say soap on a roap or something equally silly


tiptoe39 July 13 2010, 13:40:29 UTC
A Tardis key.

On a roap. :D


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