there's already christmas decorations all over town

Nov 19, 2011 21:11

So I found out that my parents are going to be on vacation for Christmas and New Years, which is both good news and bad. It's the first time I won't have to celebrate Christmas. No awkward Christmas dinners, no baking, no Christmas shopping, no nothing (I've been trying for years). Bad news is that this means I don't know if I can find anyone to ( Read more... )

real life: family is weird, post: random scribbles

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Comments 4

unikorento November 20 2011, 11:08:35 UTC
Yay for parents getting a holiday! Meh, for maybe not making it for New Year :( We shall keep our fingers crossed.


tinypinkmouse November 20 2011, 13:26:50 UTC
Yeah, parents deserve a holiday. They're going with my aunt and her, well avomies is the finnish term... anyway hopefully they'll have a good time. And it'll do us all goof to try and get along on our own for a few weeks (or that's what I keep trying to tell myself).

And the rest... yeah :(


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tinypinkmouse November 23 2011, 08:42:02 UTC
It wouldn't really work out, for one she just doesn't travel too well and it's 6+ hour trip at the best. And then there'd be some issues about what to do with the dog once there (as much as I love my do, she's a bit difficult).


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tinypinkmouse November 23 2011, 12:03:37 UTC
Oh, it's actually a really big house, and that's kind of the problem. There are things like people with asthma and such, and the dog wouldn't be allowed in the same part of the house as I'd be staying. It'd drive her crazy hearing me but not being able to get to me.


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