Title: Eulogy For a Girl (Jessica Lee Moore is dead)
tinypinkmouseFandom(s): Supernatural/Naruto
Rating: PG-13
Read Between the LinesWord Count: 540
Spoilers: Nah.
Warnings: Implied past character death, implied violence. Actually this implies things all over.
Summary: Some people are more important than others.
Disclaimer: I don't own them, other people do.
Notes: Seriously weird part. Also most definitely the last one I'm posting today.
Eulogy For a Girl,
Jessica Lee Moore is dead
Jessica Moore is dead, of this there is no doubt. The little that was left of her was found in the aftermath of a fire and buried soon after. She left behind loving parents and a younger sister. She also left behind a boyfriend whom her family wouldn’t have minded seeing as her husband one day. They always quite liked him.
Only two people alive know that she did not die in that fire, because Jessica Moore died a year and nine months before that fire ever happened. One of those two people is the one who snuck into that blazing building and left her remains there. The other is the one who killed her.
Only two people know for a fact that Jessica Moore never met Sam Winchester. Never accidentally bumped into him, was never introduced to him, never went on a date with him, never fell in love with him.
To the world at large Jessica Moore died in an accidental fire. Two people think they know the truth. They believe that she was killed by a demon and that the fire was a result thereof. One of them saw her and the other has no reason not to believe him or at least if he has any doubts about what happened he will never voice them.
But only two people know the real truth of what happened and they will never share it with anyone. Technically a demon was involved, actually two completely different demons were involved at different points of that tale. Neither of those were responsible for her death though, at least in anything but a very complicatedly indirect way.
Sam Winchester will always blame himself for the death of Jessica Moore. In a way he’s right, even though he never actually met her, but that is something he will never know. He should blame his brother for her death, but that is also something he will never know and neither will his brother.
Jessica Moore is dead and Sam Winchester is the reason. But she did not die because Sam Winchester loved her. She died because she was convenient. She died because she attended Stanford, because she was pretty and nice and the kind of person Sam Winchester would be attracted to.
Her killer didn’t enjoy her death, didn’t really want her to die at all and made sure to make it as painless as possible, which really means she didn’t feel a thing. He even felt sad about her death and for her parents and sister. He never regretted it, not even when he watched her parents burry her almost two years later. He felt guilty then perhaps, but it was neither the first or last person he will ever kill. Not even the first innocent person.
Jessica Moore is dead and only four people know that she was murdered. Two of them blame the wrong person, or demon in this case. Only two people know the truth. They know her death will never be avenged. Only one of them cares.
Jessica Moore died one year and nine months ago.
She was buried today.
Her murderer lays white lilies on her grave and walks away.
How Many Friends Is Too Many (Conversation overheard)