[#015] JE!HET REC LIST!!

Jan 09, 2009 02:08

Because I think there is a sore need for a rec list of just HET fics. ♥♥

Updated: 2010/03/20. I made the "executive" (lol) decision to add my own fics. (Well not all of them because they're not all great, but just a few that I particularly like. XD i swear i'm not conceited. xdxdxdxdxd)

my organization skills, see them and go 'you are crazy.' it's not even that organized. )

i like linking to shit, i really am shige (aka m), i have too much free time, reccing those who deserve it

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Comments 45

saturnianlove January 9 2009, 07:15:47 UTC
i dont like abiru yuu. *squicked* if i had to choose between her and sawaeri....huh. i dont like thinking about either one that much, haha.

I will have to read that aizawa/hiyama though :x and the kurosagi and the one in the crossover section *__*


tinyangl January 9 2009, 07:18:15 UTC
lol if i had to choose between Abiru Yuu and S-Erika, i'd go with abiru yuu. XD Granted, i wrote an epic fic because of her, so that may explain my bias.

AIZAWA/HIYAMA WAS HOT. *_________* and well.. er... if it's on the list, obvs i like it. ahahaha


saturnianlove January 9 2009, 07:27:48 UTC
there arent any movie spoilers in the kurosagi/HYD, are there?


tinyangl January 9 2009, 07:30:54 UTC
nope, none that i can recall.


ginzarhapsody January 9 2009, 07:18:17 UTC
HAHAH! I FORGOT ABOUT THAT AYA FIC. also, i am awesome to make up the entirety of TWO drama sections. *hee* XDDDDD is not conceited


tinyangl January 9 2009, 07:20:34 UTC
LOLOL ♥ I had one other drabble written for me but it was much too short. XDDD YOU ARE AMAZING AND AWESOME. ♥♥ props to you, yo


cynicalism January 9 2009, 07:28:06 UTC
oh fuck i missed first comment cause i was too busy admiring your beautiful list.

also ct, but uhm. it is a very shiny list devoid of your own shiny hetfic. :/

bias. biassssss.


(randomly four rules never had a part two. LOL i can't believe you linked to it either.)


tinyangl January 9 2009, 07:30:37 UTC
ahaha you suck. ♥♥ IT WOULD BE WEIRD PIMPING MY OWN FIC. i repeat.

...really. then wtf was i thinking. damn i've been looking at too many links. i'll change that as soon as i change that aya ueto name thing. aka probably never, but be hopeful!


cynicalism January 9 2009, 07:53:25 UTC
if you do not at least pimp your massumaki I WILL CRY AND NEVER SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN. ;_________________________;

LOL. no worries. you did your best your work. <3


tinyangl January 9 2009, 07:54:59 UTC
I LOVE THAT FIC AS MUCH AS YOU DO, BUT I'M NOT PIMPING MY OWN FIC. DDDDD: i don't want to not talk to you anymore. and i'm writing you massu/meisa right now damnit.


ADDENDUM TO THE LIST cynicalism January 9 2009, 08:13:30 UTC
because clearly i should be allowed.

- G.


by tinyangl [massu/maki]



calixa January 9 2009, 08:53:40 UTC
I love that Code Blue one. Read it before but had to read it again seeing it linked here :P


tinyangl January 9 2009, 18:48:16 UTC
I really liked that fic. :DDD After I got this comment, I totally reread it. lolol


calixa January 9 2009, 19:44:53 UTC
Oh, god, I feel like writing Yamapi/Erika Toda porn now. Damn you and your effective advertising!


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