[#52] Dragonzakura.

May 31, 2008 16:08

I blame Peyton for this, and her tempting offer to make me Yamapi/Yui icons even though I should probably wait for Code Blue pictures to come out. But I went through all of Dragonzakura in the past two days, or at least for a night and right now. And um. I REALLY love the characters. Mainly the twin brother. asldfjasl;kdfjlasjdfl;kj SO MUCH LOVE ( Read more... )

yamapi is seriously gorgeous, jep cast, random is my middle name, call for fanfiction, talk about lame

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Comments 44

4_03_am May 31 2008, 20:09:45 UTC
you've got me. i love his hair in dz. and his lips, his bj lips.

so happy to have been able to record finally. it had been so long. ;_; i missed you guys.


tinyangl May 31 2008, 20:13:15 UTC
aksjdf;lakj I KNOW RIGHT?! I think of your layout. *___________* DUDE. WHY DO I NOT HAVE AN ICON OF THIS ERA? :\\\ Must be fixed. On that note, I'M SO ADDING IN PICTURES. Just because I can. :DDDDD

I KNOW. i missed you guys too. T.T a;sldkfjalskdjf BUT WE DID IT. WE DID IT DID IT DID IT!!!


4_03_am May 31 2008, 20:18:16 UTC
i need an icon, too, actually, to match my layout. god i love it so much, that header. *_*

YAY~ and next week, too! i'm already excited for it! :D


tinyangl May 31 2008, 20:22:33 UTC
i love your header so much too yo. *_______________*

Well, next week we talk about the album. :D Which I'm starting on now. lol


bonjovial May 31 2008, 20:12:26 UTC
I really loved Dragonzakura, too! I like Yamapi a lot better since his Kurosagi-era weight gain, but he just has such an awesome character in that drama that he ends up being amazing and sexy anyway~~~


tinyangl May 31 2008, 20:15:20 UTC
I KNOW! :DDDD He clenched his jaw a lot, I noticed. lol. But really, I love most of those characters. I think Kousaka was only annoying at the beginning and I had been rooting for Masami at the beginning. as;dlfkjasljf This was my second time going through it and I was still SO SAD at the end. T.T


bonjovial May 31 2008, 21:56:50 UTC
I found myself rooting for Aragaki Yui's character, too. XD I really like her a lot~~ but poor Masami :(((

I always have a hard time finding fanfic to tie up the loose ends in dramas. ://


ginzarhapsody May 31 2008, 20:13:14 UTC

I think it says a lot to how much we missed being at full four that we stayed on for an hour afterwards talking and making up katakana words. ♥ ♥ ♥



tinyangl May 31 2008, 20:16:38 UTC
PIYUI!!! :D I have a bunch of caps so just let me know when you're free. I dont want to give it now because you have cleaning and crap to do. :\\\ Don't want to add to your stress. TAKE CARE OF THAT THROAT.

It's because I was around. Nobody wants to leave the party when I'm there. ...Or so I say. :DD It was fun though. We haven't done this for so long with the four of us. SO MISSED IT.



ginzarhapsody May 31 2008, 20:24:16 UTC
lol. just send me the caps in a zip file. I'll get around to it tonight when i'm watching Colorful or something. :D

I FEAR YOO. *goes running away from rubbing* D:


tinyangl May 31 2008, 20:29:36 UTC
..T.T fine. don't have my rubbing. I don't want you to have it.


xswindz May 31 2008, 20:25:35 UTC
Oh, I'm starting on dragon zakura and YESSS, I love the twin brother. He looks so bewildered all the time, I just feel like cuddling him.

And I much prefer Yamapi as he is now (I actually find the curly hair kinda hot) but it's a pleasure to watch him in the show anyway. It's Yamapi. He's hot anywhere :D


tinyangl May 31 2008, 20:29:03 UTC
OH YAY! I hope you enjoy. :DDD I really really liked the drama so much, I realized. That I could watch it this second time that was really a, let's look for caps, to a OHMYGOD, I AM SO INTO THIS. as;ldfjalskfjd But yes, the brother. ohmygod. THE BROTHER. *HUGS* He's just the squeeishiest thing. ohmygod. That's not a word, so ignore it.

Yamapi, body wise, looks better than he has in years. It was his hairstyle that took my breath away in this drama. I can't imagine it on the body he has now. But god it looks SO FRIGGING GOOD. OHmygod. (I'm so on the opposite end on the curly hair, but lol I've had two ppl tell me that I'll even tually like it. And I think I believe them D:


thinking_lotus May 31 2008, 20:55:09 UTC
I've never seen dragonzakura, but you have almost persuaded me.

YAY for 4-nin jep cast!!!!

It's the best !!!!


tinyangl May 31 2008, 21:16:53 UTC
Tell me it's because of the pictures? Because they are so awesome. *____________* You should watch it though. It's just another teacher drama, but I actually really like the lessons they teach the people. It was really fabulous.

YAY!!! :DDD I'm so glad you're excited. :D


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