"You are getting old - it happens."
AKA, this is the quote of the day. LOL.
Today was the day I headed into the city to go meet friends.
- First thing's first. P.S. I Love You was a really cute movie - like ridiculously cute. Gerard Butler has fucking nice arms. I am ridiculously shallow. (
Cut for potential spoilers? And for length. )
Comments 61
Age: 20
Birthday: November 2!
Location: Seattle/East of LA
Best friend(s) on LJ : LARK duh.
Fandoms You're A Part Of: JE, Celine Dion? haha
What's your life like right now? (living arrangements, schooling, work, etc): hella awesome x 9
Ramble on a little about yourself -- say anything at all: so today i bought several boxes of cereal and an apple, and the grocery store person thought i was nuts. i also, once again, proved myself the HARDEST HARDCORE KT FAN EVA. but you already knew both of those things, so i'll try for something you don't know about me. i've watched one of my favorite movies everyday for the past three days (twice yesterday). it's called fools rush in and if you haven't seen it i will personally upload it for you. it's one of the only movies i can watch straight through without a break!
Age: 18...19 in...27 days. xD
Location: Minnesota
Best friend(s) on LJ: Umm...Kito (nonokame) because seriously we can be so freaking random and its so awsome..a single conversation we had gave me a fic idea..and we pretty much talked out the entire thing in conversation form and then I turned it into a fic. xDD And there was also our whole conversation on which pokemon would match with which KAT-TUN/NEWS member, there are other people I talk to a lot..like Nya and Toge, but I don' think I've talked to them enough to be able to be best friends with them..
Fandoms You're A Part Of:KAT-TUN, NEWS, Kis-My-Ft2, Kanjani 8, Golf & Mike, Tackey & Tsubasa, Kinki Kids, Arashi, Ikuta Toma, the original HS7, and...not hugely but DSBK.
What's your life like right now? Currently I'm still living at home with my mom, in the same room I've had since I was like 8. I'm not going to school but I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with my life, and I'm currently not working either...but I'm working on it. xD (Why did that remind me of a pun ( ... )
BEST WAY TO MAKE FRIENDS. Like seriously. *grins* The first day me and Cyn met, we made Tegomassuki... Like our first few archives was just us exchanging drabbles to each other. *laughs*
I'm currently not working either...but I'm working on it. xD (Why did that remind me of a pun Junno would say?!)
Ooooh. Do you plan on going back to school? If ever? Are you leaning towards anything in particular or do you plan on just working from now on? *curious* (If you don't wanna answer, that's quite all right! It's a little personal, ne?)
Ok I think I'm sooo going to have to post that on my lj..just because well..it should be shared with everyone. xDDD And I soooo hope someone in my family asks me about working next time we're doing some kind of family thing..so I can say that and then crack up at it. xDDD
I do sort of want to go back to school...but I'm not sure for what. I know I'd loooove to study japanese more..the more I know of that language the better for me and my fangirling. *bricked* xDDD
And its not too personal at all. ^^ I think there are few questions I'd refuse to answer if someone asked them. xD
Age: sanjuukuu sai
Birthday: last day of september
Location: saint louis
Best friend(s) on LJ : no one really has a BF status yet, but if one did it would be a fellow ficwriter
Fandoms You're A Part Of: Eito, NewS
What's your life like right now? (living arrangements, schooling, work, etc): work full time, apartment, two cats
Ramble on a little about yourself -- say anything at all: Hmmmm. I'm the oldest fangirl in america. I write fanfics. About 24 alternate johnnys live in a parallel universe in my head. Hmmmmm. I have a real blog about stupid RL stuff like knitting and crap like that. www.spinster.blogs.com/rak Nothing thrilling there - I'm currently trying to convert the knitting community into a JE fandom. Not gonna happen, but it gives me a purpose in life.
Oooh, you knit?! I've been wanting to learn for ages, but I fail so hard at it. I cross-stitch though. :D LOL to trying to convert the knitting community. HOw's that been going? What've you been showing them? :D
Age: 21
Birthday: July 26th
Location: Anchorage, Alaska ♥
Best friend(s) on LJ: um, I love everyone. *_* this is very difficult for me. XD probably wintersjuly and corimari and mananeh? if I absolutely had to choose?
Fandoms you're a part of: JE! :D :D :D ...that's it, really. Some, er, non-JE dramas? *GRASPING AT STRAWS*
What's your life like right now? (living arrangements, schooling, work, etc.): as of this semester I am back at home to finish up at the local university, with a BA in Japanese. :) this causes a little stress sometimes but is generally good so far. and I'm really happy to be taking Japanese again. ♥
Ramble on a little about yourself - say anything at all: There is the most attention-seeking cat in the world sitting on my lap right now - I have to type one-handed because if I type with both hands for too long he starts nudging one hand with his head, asking to be petted. asdksjdls adorable and inconvenient all in one.
*laughs* It's okay if you're only a JE fangirl. <333 Awesome to me.
Yay!!! Taking Japanese ne? :D That's so awesome~ <3 School in general causes stress, imo. LOL. But that may just be me.
AWWWWWWWWWW. WHAT A CUTE CAT. *______________* I love cats, personally. I love to pet them and I love when they sit on your lap and ask to be pet... I only have on issue... Which is that I'm allergic to them, so that kinda fails. *laughs*
YOU SHOULD COME VISIT. Everyone should come visit me Alaska. XDDD
Age:17 till June!
Birthday: June 13th
Location: LA aka JIN LAND (Actually LA area LOL)
Best friend(s) on LJ : I have a few, but to name just two linhkawaii and x_taintedblack
Fandoms You're A Part Of: JE (I won't elaborate which groups because I pretty much listen to almost all of them XD), Oguri Shun, Tsumabuki Satoshi, Tamaki Hiroshi, HK dramas
What's your life like right now? (living arrangements, schooling, work, etc): Freaking hectic because of finals! Oh joy.
Ramble on a little about yourself -- say anything at all: I really love food. But doesn't everyone else? Currently I'm taking a break from studying for my history final tomorrow! Two random topics for eight units, and there are so many things distracting me. . .like winter dramas. @__@
FINALS SUCK ASS. >.> I hope you do well dear! >.< I know how important those are.
LOLOL. Winter dramas... <33 Lots of things would distract from studying anyway. <3
I LOVE FOOD TOO. <3 What's your favorite?? :DDDD I've been waiting to ask someone a food question. <3
LOL they are important, but I'm done now! I'm ready to crash and sleep~
Studying *sigh*
Ummm in all honesty, I'm not pick at all, but I have to say I like Japanese food the most. But if it's just a single food, then noodles/pasta!
Ahahaha, THAT SOUNDS AWESOME TO ME. My favorite food is Pizza. *laughs* I'm a real big pig, what can I say? XP Or I love soups. Soups you can eat with rice, because I'm just all out Asian. XP
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