[#9] More Lameness.

Jan 02, 2008 15:45

AKA, I actually FORGOT some things I was going to post about yesterday. >.< I don't know WHY I plan my posts sometimes. *laughs* I'm a strange one, I know.

I. imwahyou is having a RAPPING DUELOOL over here. I thought I'd join in. LOL I rapped Yorokobi before but I screwed up back then, so I rerecorded. Er... here's my attempt. >.> (I wonder if I still have Make You Wet somewhere.... >.>) (LISTEN TO HERS. I COULD NEVER DO KEEP THE FAITH. FRIGGING IMPRESSIVE.)
Yorokobi no Uta - Koki's Rap:

Mine is over here. :D Comment with your username AND a message you'd like to leave yourself, and your friends will also comment with messages they'd like to leave you. These messages could be absolutely anything, not necessarily just compliments or whatever. :D Feel free to leave whatever. Maybe smack me over the head or something. LOL.

III. Warning to all those who have korette_destiny friended. I'm planning on going on a posting spree sometime soon. I have a bunch of finished fic that hasn't been posted there. PLUS the holiday fics. I wanna do this AFTER I finish the holiday fics so you have about 14 fics before that'll happen. *laughs*

IV. OH. As if you guys didn't know I was enough of a dork, BUT. I used to have such an obsession with S Club (7). :D Seriously. And recently I watched one of their movies (the clone one for all those who are curious) and LOLOL. I do miss their music~ <333 And so, I went searching on Youtube for something to watch and... well. Here's some videos. (I USED TO WATCH THEIR TELEVISION SHOW OKAY. <3333 ...On a side note, why do I not remember this Paul/Hannah thing AT ALL? Although, to be fair, I was a bigger fan of Jon/Jo or Jon/Rachel. ...Yes, I had OTPs. (And yes, I had a soft spot for Jon.) XPPPP *is lame*)

Jo & Jon singing Bring Him Home:

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Boy Like You:

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V. MY MOM'S GOING ON VACATION FOR TWO WEEKS. I'm uber excited. :DDDD ...Although after a week of that vacation, my grandmother comes back. >.> I don't know how I feel about that. Which is the lesser of the evils. *laughs*

random is my middle name, i am fucking crazy, meme whore at work, lame is my other middle name, a video you all must watch

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