Here We Go Again~

Dec 12, 2007 02:50

Posting without having replied to comments. ~_~;; I'll do it during Asian Studies tomorrow! ...Lord knows I do nothing else. *fails* (just like my math test! *rimshot*)

Stolen from funkytownosaka. :DDD
Take the first sentence (or two) from the first post of each month of 2007. That's your year in review.

January 3rd:
Ugh. I have got to STOP.

February 1st:
Well then, no rambling here.
*snerk* I'm sure. Who thinks that belongs in the wrong journal? *raises hand*

March 2nd:
And whenever she barks, you know that she's going, "Desiiii.... Desiiiii..."
*DYING* According to that post: "My friend and I got into a conversation about dreams just yesterday and I told her about the ONE time (although I guess it's more than one? You'll see) where I had a dream that was CONTINUED in another dream, but don't remember what happened. And she went on about how it must've been a soap opera and how my "aunt's cousin's best friend's dog!" and I came in randomly before I heard the DOG part and went "IS MY MOTHER!" And.. Soooo... We kinda went off on that one and thus the quote."
*DYING* Um.... Yeah. Speaking of conversations, I got into this funny one yesterday about this thing called Grapple which looks like an apple and tastes like a grape. I call bull from my taste, but my friend swears she can taste the grape. We also got into a conversation about what we'd come back reincarnated as (although technically my religion doesn't believe in reincarnation ~_~;;) and there was conversation about bears, whales (are they smart?), the possibility of coming back as a dumb whale that can't swim. ~_~;; Um. Have I mentioned we have weird conversations?

Just some points:
In case you needed reminding and verifying. LOL

May 1st:
I think I'm having a bit of a meltdown.
Ah. That does sound familiar. XP

June 1st:
(Playing off the title "I'm boring.") And bored. *laughs* Oh god, why do I feel like there's nothing to do when there really is a LOT to do?
...Definitely sounds like me. ~_~;; I have totally not changed.

July 2nd:
aksdj;askfjalsdj Today has been crazy.
Or so I lead myself to believe sometimes. LOL.

August 1st:
Out of sheer boredom and because I think it's been far too long since I've written one of these. So.... J-WEB ENTRY. :D
I should make another one of those~ Except fellow ARK members haven't been... Hmmmmmmmm....

September 1st:
(Playing off the title "I'm Back.") For real this time guys. We set up my ethernet and I AM GOOD TO GO.
Oh, I remember the pain of not having internet. T.T I think I wanted to shoot someone.

October 2nd:
Everyone's seen this by now, I assume.
It's the NewS album information!!! Finally, something Fandom. LOL. I guess I really don't just get RIGHT into it? XPPP

November 2nd:
So Maki-chan on Cartoon KAT-TUN was really adorable.
LOL. Okay, another fandom~~~ MAKI-CHANNNN~~ ♥ ♥ ♥

December 1st:
(Playing off the title "Posting for the Sake of Posting.") ...Well, not really. More like I'm procrastinating. XPPPP
...That's me in a nutshell. Procrastinator Extraordinaire. ~_~;; Except not exactly the kind of thing one brags about. LOL.

Notice that for the most part, I posted either the 1st or the 2nd. ...What does that say about my LJing habits? ~_~;; And so far this month, I have posted every day. Yay to obsessions. XP

Because this can't be hidden: "You can't get Yamapi to blow it that often." :DDDDDDDDDDDD Yes Shige, you should thank your blessings for the fact that Yamapi decided you'd be the kind soul that he'd "BLOW." a;sldkfalskjfd, WHAT. It's on the DVD. I'm totally not looking into things. LOL. (If you need context, I suppose, it was during Tegoshi's turn of the Gourmet Tours and Yamapi was feeding Shige and he wanted to help Shige out by blowing on the food and I think it was Koyama who said the quote. But who needs context. It's totally a fun quote on its own. Plus, you know this means there should be Shigepi. LOL. Sorry, sorry. I'm so greedy with the fic. XP

There was something else I wanted to post...
OH. I can't provide many gifts (unfortunately), however, maybe I can provide fic? Yes, I still owe people. But I'm sure I can muster up something for the holidays! I'll try to get them all finished by December 25th. So comment here! :D Um. You don't have to be too specific but definitely put Pairing. Or maybe you want Gen. And maybe a keyword? Or some kind of prompt whether it be a lyric, line, item, situation. Blahblahblah. Whether or not you want porn. *laughs* Um. Yeah. Limit your requests to, I guess, 3? Or maybe 2. IDK. We'll see. *laughs* IDK how many people will request from me anyway. XP

i am a greedy little one, i am a fail student, i attempt writing, meme whore at work

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