One Car Crash and Six Ficathons

Feb 11, 2013 18:00

So, I drove my car into a tree a few days ago. It was just the beginning of a couple of long weeks, I'm starting to suspect. Turns out the repair costs are much higher than I anticipated, which is unfortunate, but insurance is covering most of it. I can't figure out how I managed to bang up the car so badly (apparently, I got very close to ( Read more... )

pimping, ficathon, personal, fanfiction problems

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Comments 10

velvetwhip February 11 2013, 23:39:54 UTC
I am just glad YOU were not totaled in the crash! *hugs*

I am signed up at heroinebigbang!

Have you pimped Werewolf in Love at trdmarkstoicism?



tiny_white_hats February 12 2013, 05:38:11 UTC
Thanks! I'm pretty glad about that too! *returns hug*

Oh, now I'm excited to see what you write for the Heroine Big Bang!

Thanks for the reminder! I meant to pimp the ficathon there earlier, but never did.


hyena_gal February 12 2013, 01:09:16 UTC
Yikes. Glad to hear nothing happened to you.


tiny_white_hats February 12 2013, 05:44:36 UTC
Thanks! Car crashes can be nasty, so I'm feeling lucky that nothing happened to me.


rahirah February 12 2013, 05:04:18 UTC
Yikes! I'm glad your accident wasn't any worse!


tiny_white_hats February 12 2013, 05:43:35 UTC
Oh, me too! It was certainly nerve wracking, but thankfully that was all.


pianogurl330 February 17 2013, 17:51:01 UTC
I'm so glad YOU are ok!!!


tiny_white_hats February 18 2013, 06:10:32 UTC

Thank you! I'm also pretty glad to be in better shape than my car!


heartsewnsleeve February 23 2013, 19:04:44 UTC
I'm so happy you're okay! I know how scary that must have been! I hope you won't have too much out of pocket cost with your car. *hugs*


tiny_white_hats March 1 2013, 02:25:19 UTC
Thanks! Thankfully, my insurance has taken care of just about everything, so I'm only paying my ticket (for "faliure to control"), which is really nice. *returns hugs*


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