THE OFFICE. I swear I'm not actually drunk.

May 01, 2009 23:23

Dear The Office: WTF, TORN. ~Me ( Read more... )

tv: the office, pairing: michael/ryan

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Comments 28

shelly505 May 2 2009, 06:48:30 UTC
I was not paying as much attention to the ending half of this episode as I should have been: SHORT ATTENTION SPAN. Yus, you know.
So what job did Pam get?
I did however love the beginning with Kevin and all the AMAZ.ING scenes between Ryan and Michael being gay with eachother♥
As for cheering you up, how's this:

... )


tinted_glass May 2 2009, 06:59:07 UTC

Pam got the sales position. APPARENTLY there weren't enough clients to go around for all the salespeople so Michael had to lay off either Ryan or Pam. Ryan was THE ONE TO GO, sadly, although Michael tried to make it up to Ryan by offering him his old temp position. Whatevs, show.

Hahah, I loved Kevin and his CHILI SPILL. And of course all the beautiful scenes between Michael and Ryan. I LOVE THAT RYAN SMILED AT MICHAEL GENUINELY OH, so wonderful. And I loved all the bits with Meredith. She never fails to crack me up.

PFFFFT that gif, it's GREAT. Totally made me laugh, thank you. <333


hellopinkie May 2 2009, 09:50:20 UTC
This episode was absolute NONESENSE over and over. I did enjoy it, though. And I get your point really well.

Let's add the fact that my ship is going through one hell of a breakdown and I don't think I can stand it anymore. IF THEY GET RID OF THIS PRETTY, EPIC RELATIONSHIP...I WILL KILL SOMEONE. XD.

Dear show: stop making me suffer.


PS: I will think of that fan fiction. And I mean it :) Will let you know!


tinted_glass May 2 2009, 22:30:45 UTC
IT WAS SUCH NONSENSE. But I think now that Dwight has his clients back he will be much more receptive to Michael's return. I see BETTER TIMES ahead for you and your ship. :> Michael and Ryan, on the other hand, pffft. It took a lot of loyalty, a lot of showing Ryan that Michael would do anything to help him out, for Michael to finally, FINALLY work his way into Ryan's heart. And by choosing Pam instead of Ryan, I think Michael unintentionally communicated that when it comes down to the wire, he doesn't believe in Ryan. At least, he doesn't believe enough, and that has got to be the biggest personal failure for Ryan, to not even be good enough in the eyes of the one person who for so many years was truly proud of him regardless of his faults. Ryan let Michael in only to be rejected when it mattered the most. I don't know if there's any coming back from that but I GUESS WE'LL SEE ( ... )


hellopinkie May 2 2009, 23:12:36 UTC
You are so SWEET. Thanks for the encouragement sweetheart. AND I KNOW :_( He betrayed poor Ryan's feelings even if he REALLY DIDN'T WANT TO. *SIGH* *HUGS YOU*

I will give it a try, promise!! :) I'm really tempted too :D


(The comment has been removed)

tinted_glass May 3 2009, 01:18:19 UTC
I know, right? I am still Vastly Irritated. They were getting along! Fabulously! And to undercut that by making Michael go against his instinct is TRES FRUSTRATING. When does he ever not listen to his heart when faced with the Big Decisions? Never. It's just something that shouldn't have been. Ugh.

Ryan would hate to be a temp again. Although I can maybe see him taking the position just so he has SOME source of income and job stability. He did steal those bowling shoes, doubt they'd be willing to take him back. 8D


redwhitedresses May 2 2009, 15:53:28 UTC
Yeah, I don't know what Michael was thinking taking advice from Jim who is obviously very biased toward Pam... who is, um, sort of Jim's fiance, but okay. Well, David Wallace might not have approved of him choosing Ryan over Pam, but STILL. Michael would have done it anyway. Michael had even said that his gut instinct was to go with Ryan. And then Jim started talking. Why, show, why? Who gave Jim these mysterious powers and where can I get them ( ... )


tinted_glass May 3 2009, 03:08:53 UTC
Michael was not BEING HIMSELF when he made that decision! In what galaxy does he not make Ryan his top Business Hiring Priority? In one VERY FAR AWAY, that is what the answer is supposed to be. And lord knows about Jim. I think he is one of the Infected. Or a Sith alsdjfaljf.

Ryan should definitely stay somewhat bitter about it or something and continue to confront Michael about it and then we can have some wonderfully explanatory scenes that would make me feel slightly better.
This! I am all for Ryan being BITTER and resentful because that is definitely how I feel Michael practically condemned him to stagnation (GOOD JOB, MICHAEL). DDDD: It is just rub that he would not GO WITH HIS HEART. I am still too irritated to see straight.

I think I'm actually going to attempt the fic! But you know, the more fic the merrier? OR SOMETHING.


redwhitedresses May 3 2009, 04:18:01 UTC
If they make Ryan go around completely unaffected by the decision as though it had never happened, I will be so angry. Sort of like how they had the whole Andy and Dwight breaking up with Angela and then in the next few episodes up til now it's as though that whole Angela fiasco had never happened. What the heck? I mean, I know it's supposed to be like a documentary-type show, and there would be some time in between episodes, but STILL. >.>;;

Go for it! :D I can't wait to see what you write! But I already have my gears a turnin' so I might give it a shot too! There can never be too much Michael/Ryan fic, in my opinon.


readbtwnthelies May 2 2009, 17:10:58 UTC
i think its because youre a girl, so youre supposed to be excited about the walk-in closet full of shoes or whatever it was.

anyway, im sorry this show has managed to break your wittle heart again D: i always think of you whenever anything happens involving michael and ryan. and its usually an 'OH NOES, MINA IS GONNA BE LIKE DDD:' thought, unfortunately lol.


tinted_glass May 3 2009, 03:12:44 UTC
OH girly stuff. We both know I am an anomaly of our gender. Asking me to be excited about shoes might be asking too much!

Ahahahasfjj MAN, yeah, "OH NOES, MINA IS GONNA BE LIKE DDD:" pretty much sums it up? They have a definite trend of tragedy.


readbtwnthelies May 3 2009, 04:06:43 UTC
lol its okay. even i hate shoes. they are probably the least exciting clothing/accessory/GIRLTASTIC item ever. ::thinks:: also manicures, but thats not quite the same thing.


yes. maybe one day things will change.
lololololololol nooot rly. :|


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