Title: We're On The Ball 2/2 Summary: There's something weird in your bank vault. Who you gonna call? White Collar! Warning: This may be viewed in some circles as crack!fic. ( Read more... )
Aww thanks! Wasn't too sure anyone else would appreciate this bit of weirdness that popped into my head. I'm blaming sleep deprivation and the shuffle function on my ipod! :P
OH MY GOD THAT WAS AMAZING!!! I love it! The first part was kinda boring, but essential, since it led up to this! AAAHHHH I love how smart Neal is, how he gets all smug when he figures it out, so NEAL.
God, I love Peter's and Neal's interactions, so amazing! You were really On the Ball with this fic! XD It's like I'm watching an episode being projected into my head. >v
Awww shucks that is high praise indeed! ;) So glad you enjoyed! Neal is totally the smuggest little kitty when he figures out a puzzle. Thanks for stopping by...
Comments 6
I am laughing. Hard. HIGH FIVE.
Wait a minute! There's an lj comm called ontd_football??????? good grief...I think I know where I'm going to be for the foreseeable future... :P
God, I love Peter's and Neal's interactions, so amazing! You were really On the Ball with this fic! XD It's like I'm watching an episode being projected into my head. >v
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