My Public Posts in February

Mar 01, 2022 16:44

The crossposter is still not working, and right now, I'd calculate with it not working for at least a few more months. I hope all of you already have DW accounts, but if not, here's the summary of my public February posts (there were also two flocked posts) :

February 1
11 cdrama icons for historamedy365

February 5
100fandomicons table for 2022Read more... )


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Comments 8

_profiterole_ March 1 2022, 16:09:21 UTC
I joined c_ent on DW. Have you heard of something similar for Korean drama? I'm on Omona on LJ, which is mostly about k-pop, but I discover some drama through it as well.


tinnny March 1 2022, 16:15:50 UTC
No idea, honestly. I don't watch (much) Korean drama. (i.e. I can count the number of kdramas I've watched on one hand.)

c_ent isn't all that old yet, either. It's possible that nothing like it exists for kdrama?


_profiterole_ March 1 2022, 16:22:04 UTC
Yeah, it might not exist. I looked it up through the interest search engine and it didn't come up with anything. I'll ask on Omona's Free For All post on Friday if I don't forget.


gilda_elise March 2 2022, 13:50:45 UTC
I have an account at DW, but it seems to be having trouble movie my LJ journal posts over. I'll keep trying, but I still hold out hope that the move won't be necessary.


tinnny March 2 2022, 14:50:38 UTC
Ah, all right! I have given you access there.

When I read that dw_maintenance post last month, they said that the importer might still be working "sometimes", while the crossposter didn't seem to be working at all.

I haven't tried importing my journal again, although I probably should, while it's still possible... :/


violateraindrop March 2 2022, 18:11:12 UTC
I have added you on DW (same name). Even though a lot of icon challenges are still here, I'm not sure how much longer LJ will hold on. At least for non-RU users.


tinnny March 2 2022, 21:35:32 UTC
Added you back! <3

Even though a lot of icon challenges are still here, I'm not sure how much longer LJ will hold on. At least for non-RU users.

Yeah. I've been trying to do my part to get some icon challenges going on dw, and it's worked relatively well, but most of the really good makers aren't willing to switch, and there's no way to force a move like that. I'm afraid the icon maker community is going to die along with LJ. (I'm surprised it's held on this long.)

But if a miracle happens and people are willing to move, i'd be happy too.

dw isn't really that different from lj usage-wise (or not at all really), and it's infinitely more fan-friendly, too. If enough comm mods decided to move, it might provide enough momentum to work, who knows.

I also wasn't aware how annoying LJ is with a free account. Much more annoying than dw, by far. I wouldnt want to put up with it long-term. :/


violateraindrop March 6 2022, 19:03:10 UTC
I'm afraid the icon maker community is going to die along with LJ.
I really hope you're wrong about that :/
Hopefully some of the bigger communities will move and the icon makers along with them.

I think all my add-ons make using LJ a lot easier. I know that DW is pretty much the same and, if you know what to do, even easier to customize, but I still never made the jump despite getting an account in 2011. Well, now I have to.


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