10 Minimalist icons for somein30 - mostly Guardian, some LTR

Feb 28, 2021 17:20

This month's challenge at somein30 was Minimalism vs Complexity, and since I've been pretty busy since... November /o\, I decided to go for minimalism all the way. This means this set is normal mode. I tried to make all the icons with full-body crops and as plain a background as possible. As you will see, I did not always succeed. :D


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art-icons, tv-cdrama-losttombreboot, tv-guardian

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Comments 17

alexia_drake February 28 2021, 20:08:19 UTC
Lovely icons, my faves are: 3, 5, 6, 8 and 10.


tinnny March 6 2021, 15:07:23 UTC
Thank you so much!


magicrubbish March 1 2021, 02:38:20 UTC
Beautiful set , the way you play with coloring and shadow/light in this one ,it's just resulted into some striking effects.
I just love the solid and rich blue background of icons 1, 3, 4. And the fun peppy text work styles of icons 5 and 6 are amazing. :D


tinnny March 6 2021, 15:08:15 UTC
Thank you!

I don't usually put that much focus on light/shadow and more on textures. But since I tried not to texturize as much this time... :D


thyla87 March 1 2021, 16:41:18 UTC
I really love this set <3 Perfect composition and I adore the vibrant coloring. 3 and 4 has stunning blue color and background. I love the lighting, too.
5 is amazing; the lighting is so beautiful and I adore the crop and texture! I love 6 also; perfect coloring and texture/text :D IT's also funny :D 10 has amazing contrast and the lighting!

Thanks so much for entering! :)


tinnny March 6 2021, 15:09:45 UTC
Thank you so much! <3

It was a fun set to make, and different from where I'd usually go, so that was a great challenge, as always!


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