10 TV shows meme

Apr 03, 2005 20:16

TV shows meme, seen all over my flist. And since it's a meme where you have to participate, I'm all over it! It's really easy for anyone who's following my reviews. :) And I only chose shows where I can actually decide which character I like best. For most shows, there's more than one ( Read more... )

tv-sga, tv-trek, lj-memes, tv-angel, tv-bsg, tv-csi, tv-unsortable

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Comments 7

dominik April 3 2005, 18:26:24 UTC
omg... you were so good and I have NO idea at all... *headdesk*

1. Cordy?
2. Spike?
5. T'Pol?
9. I hope it's Lex... boy needs a lot of love!
10. Sara?


tinnny April 3 2005, 18:47:55 UTC
*chuckles* you have a knack of choosing the second-favorites!

But Spike and T'Pol are correct!!!

I admit, I really used to like Lex best, but not anymore. Sadly, he doesn't have much to do these days.

Didn't you skip number 6? I'm gonna give you a hint... :).


dominik April 3 2005, 18:49:44 UTC
Second bests! Then it's gotta be Grissom. Clark? HONESTLY??? Shep? No no noooooo.. this is about characters, not hotness!!!


tinnny April 3 2005, 19:54:28 UTC
Yes, *now* we're talking. :) - I added the explanations to the post.

this is about characters, not hotness!!!
The thing is: I don't separate that very much. I usually watch shows for the romance. I can't take storylines seriously, except if a show has really extraordinary character interactions - like Farscape, for example. For most everything else, I just enjoy the ride.

For favorite character, I judge by which of them I like to see on screen, which I scenes like to follow and which I don't. For me, there is a 90% overlap between the hot characters and the interesting ones. It figures that most of my fave characters are male.

The only shows amongst these ten where I can honestly say I watch(ed) for the arc or the ensemble are Galactica, Farscape and Babylon 5. Maybe Firefly, but it didn't get far enough to have much of an arc yet.


miss_katelynne April 3 2005, 20:04:51 UTC
1. Wesley?
3. Jayne?
7. Boomer?


tinnny April 3 2005, 20:14:03 UTC
1. Wesley was indeed my favorite in season 4, when he was "on the dark side". The rest of the seasons, I have to go with Angel, though. :)

3. I think I'm the only person on the planet who doesn't like Jayne. :)))

7. nope

But thanks for guessing!


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