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Comments 3

violateraindrop January 3 2019, 10:09:59 UTC
1000? And I thought I was doing rather well with nearly 500 icons lol


tinnny January 5 2019, 07:35:58 UTC
500 is amazing! It's the quality that counts. <3

I ended up making 1000 icons every year for the last few years. That's just how it comes out. I actually thought I'd made fewer this year, because I was so preoccupied with other aspects of fandom in Guardian, but apparently it still ended up being about the same number. ;)

Oh, and I didn't even count those (terrible) 100 Star Trek icons I made for the landcomm. Those are not even in the 2018 gallery. There's only a single one amongst them that I like, and it's this one:

... )


violateraindrop January 6 2019, 21:24:23 UTC
I didn't read the whole comment first and thought "What's wrong with that icon?" *facepalm*


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