10+ Fyra År Till icons for icons10in20

Jul 14, 2018 10:17

I am not done with my Fyra År Till obsession... here are ten more icons, this time made for round four at
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art-icons, movies-fyra_ar_till

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Comments 2

violateraindrop July 14 2018, 18:08:30 UTC
Great set! I love the coloring of Distant+Vibrant and Monotone. The composition of Summer and Floral is also really nice :)
Crossover is really well done. I do prefer the alternate icon though.


tinnny July 15 2018, 08:08:03 UTC
Thank you so much! I like to leave the icons from this movie grey and muted (because there are so many suppressed desires omg!). Monotone is one of those - not usually my style at all, but it transports the pining so well. :D (It's also why I included the slightly boring alt for Distant+Vibrant, because GREY! :D)

I'm glad you like Floral, I dithered for ages with different flower textures, and in the end I almost like the plain background one best. And I wasn't sure if flipping him was a good idea. I just wanted him to look toward David in the icon next to him, lol.

Thanks for the Crossover mention! Glad to hear you like the alt. I couldn't find a really good placement of the ghost behind him, so I went with the small logos in the end.

(I love your Thor icon!)


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