Complementary Colors for monthlyinspo

May 31, 2018 10:25

I almost missed thiss month's challenge at monthlyinspo: complementary colors. It was an easy one, though, so it was no problem to create the 20 icons in 10 days. And it was fun, because it forced me to use a different process from my usual flat pastel (but I snuck in a few flat ones, hee).

The set looks like an explosion - as my sets often do :) - ten different fandoms and no coherent coloring style. Enjoy the chaos! :D

In case it isn't blindingly obvious (ouch!), I went with the "every single icon has to have complementary colors" option, and I used both the subtractive and additive color models. Please hover for fandom:


Comments make my day! Praise and concrit equally welcome. Here's my resource post, where you can see who made the brushes and textures I use.

Previous icon posts:

x-posted from dw (comments:

tv-lucifer, art-icons, tv-b99, tv-unsortable

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