2017 icon remakes

Feb 24, 2018 22:56

bestof_icons challenged everyone to remake some icons again, and this time I got so many (I was the first commenter on the remakes post, oops :)) I couldn't do them all. My thread is here.Also, some people chose icons I really love and didn't want to remake, so I compromised and did two out of every three that people chose for me. Plus, as usual, I chose three ( Read more... )

tv-grimm, art-icons, tv-merlin, lj-memes, tv-elementary, tv-lucifer, tv-timeless, tv-blacksails, tv-unsortable

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Comments 17

hamsterwoman February 25 2018, 01:04:54 UTC
I always find it neat to see you do several takes on the same icon, or remakes, like in this case.

(I also really like the yellow/orange Finn icon, which I know is not new, but still really cool.)


tinnny February 25 2018, 20:39:47 UTC
I love doing it, too! So it works out well for everyone. :D

(I also really like the yellow/orange Finn icon, which I know is not new, but still really cool.)

IKR? I still like it better than the new one. Oops. :)


naginis February 25 2018, 11:00:35 UTC
Wow, great job on these! I really like the new compositions you did :)


tinnny February 25 2018, 20:36:38 UTC
Thank you so much! <3 It was a lot of fun.


gilda_elise February 25 2018, 13:16:00 UTC
Sleepy Hollow icons! Too bad they couldn't redo the series the way you redid the icon. Everything after season one was sort of a bust.


tinnny February 25 2018, 20:35:11 UTC
Too bad they couldn't redo the series the way you redid the icon.

Hahahaa, omg yes. I loved the first season, and the second was kind of okay, but then it went downhill fast. How could they...? I will never understand it.


_profiterole_ February 25 2018, 13:41:18 UTC
That's such an interesting exercise! :-)


tinnny February 25 2018, 20:33:25 UTC
I love that activity. It's a staple in the iconmaker community, we do it every year. I don't like to do it for every icon, like this time there were a few I knew I couldn't improve on, but it is lots of fun to think about what worked in an icon and what didn't. And the advantage is that other people choose what to remake, so I don't have to worry about it myself. It's usually obvious what they thought didn't work, too. :)


xafirah February 25 2018, 18:56:39 UTC
I absolutely love this icon:

... )


tinnny February 25 2018, 20:26:58 UTC
Thank you! Oi,... I love doing painted style, and I do it differently every time. I'm not really at a point where I know exactly how to do it.

In this case, I softened the original cap with Smart Blur (it's my poor man's Topaz), and then painted over the face (mostly the nose and chin) with a very small brush in tan colors, and over some of the hair with black. But it's really a very light touch in this case:

... )


xafirah February 28 2018, 17:45:52 UTC
Thank you so much for mini tutorial! :D I love learning new photoshop tricks and painted style is something I'd love to learn. And I guess it would be much easier with a tablet *sigh*
The technique you used seems simple enough for someone using just mouse so I might give it a try ;) I will share my result if I won't fail :P


tinnny March 4 2018, 20:48:57 UTC
Yeah, I don't have a tablet, either. I always use my laptop's touchpad for iconmaking, which I think works okay for my purposes. Better than a mouse.

The main thing missing without a tablet is the pen pressure, and what I do is I smudge the ends of every line I paint, which just makes it a lot more work and precludes the more complicated types of painting. But at least it works at all. *shrug*

Please share, yes! Good luck!


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