Rumble review - Calendarsquares OTP rumble - "Shipping "Wars"

Apr 19, 2017 19:19

I had so much fun with the last rumble at calendarsquares, I decided to post the icons including the concrit I got for them here. Mostly for my own enjoyment, but hey, you might enjoy it, too. :D

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art-icons, tv-community, tv-librarians

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Comments 5

wendelah1 April 19 2017, 21:21:14 UTC
I like them all except I think the third in the row of the Harry and Sally icons works better than the monochrome one. I can easily read the text, the background colors don't overwhelm the foreground or recede too much, and the wee bit of melon-orange ties the lettering into the coloring of the figures. I find it a very harmonious composition.


tinnny April 22 2017, 10:47:04 UTC
Thank you very much!

Yeah, I tend to favor the less monochrome (and a little less vibrant) Harry & Sally icon, too, now. Especially with challenges, it's always hard to win with less vibrant icons - so I went with the more vibrant one. It's one of the disadvantages of challenges - you have to take into account the fact that there's going to be voting, and how to make an icon look good against the competition, instead of trying to make an icon that just looks good on its own.


hamsterwoman April 20 2017, 02:02:10 UTC
Ooh, I also love the Oathkeeper/breaker icon! -- the look of it, and the text is great the way it is, I think -- I like that you have to look closer to read the smaller words.


tinnny April 22 2017, 10:47:35 UTC
Thank you! <3

omg love your Jaime icon. So true! LOL


hamsterwoman April 22 2017, 21:56:47 UTC
Ha, thank you! The text is taken directly from a comment by cyshobbitlass, which struck me as both very true and highly hilarious :D (and the art is by matitablu, although you can't see a whole lot of it in the icon).


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