25 icons for technique20in20

Jan 24, 2016 15:47

This was the first challenge I signed up for this month, technique20in20, and I am still torn about all the other challenges I had to skip because of it. *sigh* The icon maker community is so active right now, and here I thought it was good last year. But this year, so many comms have come back after a hiatus of two years, this one included, and they all see high ( Read more... )

art-icons, tv-elementary, tv-librarians, tv-teenwolf, tv-unsortable

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Comments 19

scoobyatemysnax January 24 2016, 15:14:53 UTC
wow, nice colors in here C: your composition on levels is really super cool, and the text placement gives the icon a special ~oomph. plus there's bb8 so that's instant win :V rivers of babylon have really great cyans, which go well with the yellows. my favourite from this entire post, however, has to be d.i.s.c.o., because it's so cool *_____* i love the colors of it, especially the pink and purple highlights over his hair. and the background behind all colorful like that makes the icon super fun to look at *Q* other ones i really like are 1, 2 and 5 from your category set. ooo and both the d.i.s.c.o. alts are cool too B)


tinnny January 24 2016, 15:28:40 UTC
Thank you! I'm all about colors.

rivers of babylon have really great cyans, which go well with the yellows.

The icons where the color was given as part of the theme (sandman, rivers of babylon, purple rain) are the hardest, since I can't do what I want. :D

wow, nice colors in here C: your composition on levels is really super cool, and the text placement gives the icon a special ~oomph.

Thank you! I was unsure whether it qualifies as levels at all, but I liked it so much. *g*

my favourite from this entire post, however, has to be d.i.s.c.o., because it's so cool *_____* i love the colors of it, especially the pink and purple highlights over his hair. and the background behind all colorful like that makes the icon super fun to look at *Q*Thanks! This one took me ages. I already made the base weeks ago but didn't like it. Then jsfunction gave me some advice on how to improve the flat skin style, and then I added some neon fonts, and voila. Much better. :) Especially because his handposition is so "dance"-like. It just all came ( ... )


trobadora January 24 2016, 16:55:20 UTC
Your icons are always so gorgeous, even when I don't know the fandom. ♥


tinnny January 24 2016, 17:03:57 UTC
Thank you so much! It's always a pleasure to get comments from friends on my icons! *hugs*


draycevixen January 24 2016, 20:12:04 UTC
It's lovely to hear that the icon community is stirring again. I've always loved them and I've been sad by how few new ones I've been seeing about.

The D.I.S.C.O one works great as a character study and I love how the movement in the ride one isn't the characters moving.


tinnny January 25 2016, 18:35:23 UTC
Thank you! I was surprised last year how active the community is, but it has impossibly gotten more active since.

The D.I.S.C.O one works great as a character study

Hee, yes, I'd made the base way before the "disco" theme came along. I keep chuckling at how well his hand gesture fits dancing. :D

I love how the movement in the ride one isn't the characters moving.

Thank you! Gifs are hard! 40k is *nothing*. But I knew I wanted to make some gifs from that movie, so that was really fun. It has so many great visuals.


seagull2eagle January 24 2016, 22:15:12 UTC
Icons! :)

My favorites are Stay or Go and it's alternate (the background face is just perfect), and also Take me for a Ride.

Sorry to hear Librarians is teetering for you - you were enjoying that so much!

What other communities were you thinking about? I've been playing with the idea of returning to the fold myself after several years off.


tinnny January 25 2016, 09:59:29 UTC
Thank you!

Sorry to hear Librarians is teetering for you - you were enjoying that so much!

Yeah, that's part of the problem. I was very invested in that, and I am still angry at, well, I don't know what exactly right now. greyathena keeps talking me back off that ledge, which is awesome, but I still have that block somewhere that tells me I haven't forgiven Flynn or the writers just yet. And I don't know if I can. New canon is nine months off, and the second season wasn't as perfect as the first one, and of course that's what happens. I just don't know yet if I'm going to lose all interest in it or if it's strong enough to weather that. So far, it is trying to stick around. We'll see.

What other communities were you thinking about? I've been playing with the idea of returning to the fold myself after several years off.

Oh, yeah, come play. It's fun!

First, I would suggest you join icontalking. You have to request membership, but everyone who does is accepted. They post a roundup of all the current challenges each Friday ( ... )


seagull2eagle January 27 2016, 00:30:45 UTC
Was it the jump to the romance that put it out for you, or just overall trend in the writing? Hate it when shows lose that spark when there had been so much inspiration from them before! Or, what happens to me often, is one I like that gets canceled half-way through it's first season. But the longer a show goes, the harder it gets to stay with it. At least you had a lovely full first season for Librarians. Sometimes staying with the fanfic and ignoring the new canon keeps it going longer ( ... )


tinnny January 28 2016, 22:25:46 UTC
Was it the jump to the romance that put it out for you

Did you think it had one? The Eve/Flynn was established in the pilot, and if anything, they were separated almost the whole second season.

And, no, I loved them and that fandom made me fannish in ways I had never been before. I didn't like how they tied up their conflict at the end of the season. They had a disagreement and didn't resolve it, but the writers stated in interviews that they consider it resolved (howwwww?!), which just completely put me off. Also, not a fan of Excalibur. Those two things, both happened in the finale, threw me so much that I'm not sure what to do about it. I certainly don't feel like writing happy fluff anymore. I still feel like writing at all, though, so I guess there's still hope.

But the longer a show goes, the harder it gets to stay with it. At least you had a lovely full first season for Librarians. Sometimes staying with the fanfic and ignoring the new canon keeps it going longer.Yeah. I like to think I stick with shows, but experience shows ( ... )


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tinnny January 25 2016, 18:38:08 UTC


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