AU and Crack Fic Recs

Oct 21, 2015 17:59

hamsterwoman asked for #12 and #22 in the fanfic reading meme, and those are AU and crack fic recs respectively.

I just chose a couple of recs for each category. There are too many good ones. Also, only slash this time. If you want het recs, check out my posts at het-reccers or ask me again.


Character Motivation by twoskeletons
Fandom:Merlin/Merlin RPF
Rating: ( Read more... )

tv-spn, tv-sga, recs-fic, tv-merlin, tv-teenwolf

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Comments 2

hamsterwoman October 22 2015, 02:18:24 UTC
Thank you for the answers! Not my fandoms, but I know enough about all of them through fannish osmosis to be able to appreciate the premise of all of them :)


tinnny October 23 2015, 19:46:12 UTC
You're welcome. I hope you like reading them, even though they're not your fandoms.


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