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Comments 4

wihluta December 9 2014, 13:49:44 UTC
I have to say I am a bit confused about this season overall. I am not sure what I think about Kitty and the whole Lestrade thing is weird and IDK. I hope I will get back into it, since I still like the show as a whole and would hate to stop watching.


tinnny December 13 2014, 09:00:13 UTC
I am also still on the fence about Kitty, but that's to be expected from a completely new character that is even taking the place of a loved regular. But I rally like what they're doing with her.

But your comment made me think about behind-the-scenes constraints, which I hadn't thought of before. I hope noone wants to leave the show.

I still love the show, I find it interesting, and so far I find they've always made the right character decisions. The Lestrade thing is the first one I wasn't completely happy with. So I'm not taking it as too much of a bad sign yet.


rose_griffes December 10 2014, 01:40:23 UTC
I'm not so sure that Kitty used threats to get Stotz to agree to leave. He seemed eager to please and positive about Kitty; if she'd used threats, I could imagine him saying something like, "I did what she asked, now tell that bitch to leave me alone."


tinnny December 13 2014, 09:02:42 UTC
Hmm. Okay. I interpreted his "make absolutely sure you tell her" as an admission that she blackmailed him. He needed to fulfill his side of the deal - and what reason would he have to make a deal with her of his own free will?


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