Epic Recs

May 11, 2013 20:32

I spent my last few weeks away from my usual haunts (lj and tumblr) and instead read a few epic fics. All are AU but the Harry Potter ones, which are "Epilogue compliant". Here's the good stuff:

Fandom: Harry Potter
Story: Chrysalis by
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tv-spn, recs-fic, tv-merlin, tv-teenwolf, tv-unsortable

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Comments 11

sarren May 11 2013, 20:14:58 UTC
Oh, hey, I've actually read that Dean/Castiel phoenix one, it was great.

I am going to now read your football au rec with hope in my heart. By complete coincidence I have spent the last day or so reading Merlin fics including a decent one where Arthur's a top tennis player and Merlin his physio, and a really not good at all one where Arthur's a top footballer and Merlin's his neighbour that I somehow could not stop reading even though it was completely OOC and written by somebody I suspect is either very young or has no idea how guys actually think about sex.

oh, dear lord 200k? I'm not going to sleep tonight, am I.

...and I'm not even that keen on modern day AUs except the three aweome ones where Arthur's still the heir to the throne and Merlin still has magic, which I love with all my heart. Oh, and that one set in the wizard prison, that was amazing

going now


tinnny May 11 2013, 20:29:11 UTC
Oh, cool! It is incredibly long, but not boring. I don't even remember how it ended, I must have been really tired //). Let me know how you like it.

I'm not even that keen on modern day AUs except the three awesome ones where Arthur's still the heir to the throne and Merlin still has magic, which I love with all my heart. Oh, and that one set in the wizard prison, that was amazing

I don't think I know either of those. And what I mean by that is: link me!

My favorites are mostly RPS (especially Cartoon Sunshine!), except for the Oxford rowing AU, that was a great Merlin/Arthur, too. My previous recs can be found here: http://tinnny.livejournal.com/tag/recs-fic,tv-merlin?mode=and

The Rowing AU one is not in there, for some reason. :( But it is here:

Easy There (49826 words) by syllic
Fandom: Merlin (BBC)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Lancelot
Additional Tags: modern AU


sarren May 11 2013, 20:59:55 UTC
Okay, you have to know The Student Prince, cos that's the most famous fic in the fandom, isn't it? Despite some wince inducing over the top Britishisms it does win the best coming out scene in all of fandom.
And Drastically Defining Protocol, cos if you don't know that, well I don't know what to say...

The third one, I actually love this one a lot. When Merlin Emrys gets a summer job at Buckingham Palace, he doesn't expect to even meet King Arthur, let alone become involved in protecting him from a plot to overthrow the monarchy. - Not in This Land Alone

OH, and there's this one, I'd forgotten this one - where Arthur is involved in a green building project at Merlin's school. Merlin doesn't have magic in it, and it doesn't really portray what Arthur's schedule/security would really be like, but it does have some awesome banter and characterisation - The Lonely King
And the prison one - this one is darker than I normally like (Arthur is raped when he gets thrown in prison, but its not drawn out), but it has such fabulous world ( ... )


tinnny May 11 2013, 21:10:04 UTC
Ah, oh, of course. I know the Student Prince. The title of Drastically Redefining Protocol sounds familiar, but I have no bookmarks for it. Ah, but yes. I've read it. You're right, those are the staples.

Thanks for the recs!


debris_k May 18 2013, 16:19:34 UTC
Thanks for reccing "Convenient Husbands", despite it being AU it didn't feel like *that much* AU at all and I really enjoyed reading it (I hadn't read any Dean/Cas in ages). Now I'm gathering reading momentum for "Inevitable Homoeroticism..." because it takes me a while to get through fics that long. XD But at least I'm interested in Dean/Cas again, yay! <3


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