Sherlock 2x02

Jan 30, 2012 21:44

I didn't say anything about 2x01 despite really really wanting to, so I'll just say two words about 2x01 now. Then I can finally get it out of my system and move on to the Hounds, as long as the ep is still fresh in my mind.

+ I am just deliriously happy that they're back. I missed them so much. I hadn't had any inclination towards reading Sherlock fic over the past year, but now the obsession's come back in force. Wow. :D
+ I loved everything John/Sherlock about the episode. They are so incredibly cute together.
+ Irene Adler was kick-ass and perfect - until she turned into the damsel in distress. Moffat, you idiot.
+ I liked the ?????? reaction Sherlock had to Irene, although it didn't make much sense. I still don't think that Sherlock (canon Sherlock) would be emotionally affected by her, or that she'd be so good that she wouldn't leave any clues.
* I didn't understand the whole airplane case, and the one with the boomerang was stupid. Oh well, who cares about plot.
- I resent the implication that John doesn't keep track of his girlfriends' names. Again: Moffat, you idiot.
- BC, that's not the way you hold or play a violin. That could have been done *way* better.
+ I loved the "We're not a couple" - "Yes, you are" thing. Because she is gay and she and Sherlock can still be a couple, too. That's how I understood it, anyway.
+ the naked scene at the palace was wonderful. Sherlock and John laughing with each other. OMG.

OK, I can't remember anything else. Must be enough for now.

+ Again, everything John/Sherlock was pure gold.
+ The plot was ludicrous, but hey.
* Sherlock, you mean bastard, watching John in 'laboratry conditions'
+ John interrogating the therapist. Go John! He almost had her.
+ Sherlock being paranoid! OMG I wanted to cuddle him and I wanted John to hug him, and I very much regretted that they wouldn't do that in canon. They could.
+ Sherlock being mean and begging for a smoke. It was a little over the top, but it came close to some of the very mad interpretations of Sherlock I've read recently, so it was weirdly appropriate.
+ Sherlock apologizing, although it was lessened by the possibility that he just wanted to test John and needed him back on his side for that. Still, the conversation in the cemetery (why were they there in the first place? It was a beautiful setting!) was perfect.
- "seeing a man about a dog"? Sherlock and pop culture references = incompatible. Bad writing choice.
- Why, when the plot was so convoluted and obviously meant to be scary did Moffat not write this one? I'm baffled. But very very glad.
+ Lestrade FTW! It made absolutely no sense having him there, but I was really happy to see him. I don't think Sherlock has anything remotely like Asperger's, but maybe I should think about why having the three of them back together made *me* so happy. ;D

+++ The best thing in the whole episode was that John didn't feel the need to explain when they gave him and Sherlock a single room. "We're not... oh, never mind." Thank you, Marc Gatiss. Because, really, who gives a shit. Way to go John.

So, yeah, I liked that one very much, because every single line of dialogue between John and Sherlock was gold. Who cares about the plot (see above). *g*

Anyway, I am very glad that I am currently obsessed with Sherlock again. enname gave me tons of wonderful, looooong recs. Lots of them old, of course, but I hadn't read any of them yet. Check 'em out:

x-posted to dw (comments:


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