Wweee, White Collar season premiere!

Jul 14, 2010 22:42

Oh, how I love season premieres. Just waiting for it for half a year (or a mere three months in this case) makes it so much better! And when the episode is as good as this one... woah.

just a few things )


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Comments 7

elli July 14 2010, 21:05:21 UTC
Who's to say they aren't trying to smoke out that Fowler guy witht he music box... that's what I'm thinking.


suebsg9 July 14 2010, 21:14:44 UTC
If OPR got the music box that thing would disappear so I agree Peter and Diana aren't bad just staying one step ahead of Fowler and keeping Neal from doing something stupid.


tinnny July 15 2010, 11:06:20 UTC
That makes total sense, thank you! Additional plus: I love it when Peter is looking out for Neal.


tinnny July 15 2010, 11:05:35 UTC
Hee. Good idea! I think I was way too tired last night to be second-guessing anything that happened.


wihluta July 14 2010, 21:17:17 UTC
Oh, Diana is definitely a good girl and on their side!!! Can't see it any other way. Won't. Nope.

Also - definitely agree with how great this episode was. Despite the continuity mistakes. THEY ARE JUST BEYOND CUTE! ;)


tinnny July 15 2010, 11:08:19 UTC
Can't see it any other way. Won't. Nope.

Heee. Yes, that's the spirit. I'm just... unable to believe that Peter would do anything to hurt Neal.

Despite the continuity mistakes.

I didn't even notice any. I was just happy and nothing else mattered.

Um... so what was wrong?


frostfire_17 July 15 2010, 17:43:31 UTC
I am totally with everybody on the "Diana and Peter are conspiring against Fowler" boat. Also, I too am sad about so little El, but Tiffani had to be huge by the time they were filming this (note the strategically-placed flowers in this scene!) so at least there's a reason. I can't imagine it will get better anytime soon (I think she had the baby a month ago? There's probably maternity-leave episodes in here somewhere?) but, well. Baby!

And oh man, WOO PETER AND NEAL. As far as talking about the season finale goes, I was happy with Peter and El's conversation--felt very in-character--though I can see how you felt that Peter and Neal's was a little fanservicey. However, when thinking about the context--Neal's being withdrawn about Kate and all, plus he's spent some more time in prison, away from Peter, and is just coming back to work with him again--it makes sense that he would reach out a little, emotionally, if only to reassure Peter that he can. They could have framed it a little better, though, probably.



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