Fic: Between Heartbeats

Feb 03, 2008 18:07

Hi folks! I’m vibishan. I read The Many Layers of the Mask by boogabooga_xx and dragonsmuse and was instantly inspired. I’m so thrilled Caincest has a comm, so here’s my intro contribution.

Title: Between Heartbeats
Author: Vibishan
Pairing: Jeb/Wyatt, implied past Wyatt/Zero, mentions of one-sided Zero/Jeb lust
Warnings: See pairings. INCEST, intergenerational, (a lot of) ( Read more... )

rating: nc-17, author: vibishan, fic: zero/jeb, fic: zero/wyatt, fic: oneshot

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Comments 11

moony_blues February 4 2008, 02:12:33 UTC much pain and loss and suffering in this story. I'm not a fan of the ship, but I can recognize that this was extremely well written and thought out. I just wanna hold Jeb and make it all better...and you're the first writer to actually get me emotionally involved in him. Nicely done. I suspect I may have to reliquish my title as "The Mistress of Angst," though. You've kinda put me to shame. :-) In a good, "sad is happy" kinda way. Again, well done with the story.


vibishan February 4 2008, 02:49:55 UTC
Thank you so much for even reading this! I mean, this kind of 'cest is pretty out there if you're not a shipper.

And thank you muchly also for your review! I adore Jeb, and he has a chronic hug deficit, methinks.

Angst is a whore who is serviced by many mistresses. *nods sagely*

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. 8D


moony_blues February 4 2008, 02:52:39 UTC
First, you're very very welcome. Jeb does need more hugs, I think. Might have something to do with growing up without a Dad and then have him suddenly reappear. Talk about awkwardness.

"Angst is a whore who is serviced by many mistresses. *nods sagely*"

O.O rotflmao! I've never heard it put that way, lol. But now that I really makes sense. ;-)

Oh, and if you're interested, I'm sending you an invitation to my community. Hope you'll come!


funsizedwitch February 4 2008, 05:15:15 UTC
This story was so amazingly written. I'm not a huge fan of this ship, but just the fact that of how it was written and the story line. Absolutely wonderful. I'm so happy you wrote this.


vibishan February 4 2008, 05:24:14 UTC
Thank you so much! It means a lot that you liked it in *spite* of ship preferences. I'm glad you decided to read it anyway, and I'm *delighted* you enjoyed it. Thank you again for your kind words.


prettyboylove February 5 2008, 01:22:38 UTC
...I just died a little. In the best way possible, but I did. If stories made me cry, this would have made me cry. It was absolutely beautifully done. How determined he was to save his people...and how he didn't go with the usual stupid heroic insistence that he wouldn't break, either. So yeah, I love both characters a little more in a disturbed 'my god they need to be huggled to death now!' kind of way and you're awesome and godly and things like this should not be done but they're so beautiful...*continues to ramble senselessly*


vibishan February 5 2008, 01:47:51 UTC
Thank you so much!!! Feedback makes me =D, especially when it's so kind. Please, ramble all you like!

*huggles both Cains, the woobies*


prongs_padfoot February 5 2008, 03:01:25 UTC
Quite fantastic. Very quite totally amazingly crazily fantastic. I make no sense, but great stories make me incoherent...


vibishan February 5 2008, 05:13:54 UTC

I'm so glad you enjoyed it!


storylandqueen February 6 2008, 07:05:36 UTC
I'm so sorry! I just realized I hadn't commented on this. Okay, I love it. So far, it's my favorite story I've read for them and I think the characterization is wonderful. A few of the things you say reminds me of my fic, actually. Anyway, brilliantly done and... oh, if I had time, I'd write a full review, but trust me when I say it's perfect.


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