Apr 28, 2009 09:09
I am a shipper. I am not ashamed of this and never will be you can't make me nyah nyah nyah. However I am a bizarre critter who likes a bit of plot and character development to go along with the Twu Wub Foreverz OMG.
Recently I tried reading a story that I normally wouldn't, and the plot was good! There were some fantastic ideas that I was looking forward to exploring! Skimming forward a bit more I found these ideas sidelined so we could have a lengthy chapter of Character A pondering their feelings for Character B, then the chapter after THAT looked to be Character B doing the same thing (both going depressingly OOC in the process) and I found myself tearing my hair because it was all so very distracting. "Can we get back to the zany political intrigue in this fascinating world you've built? Please?" Has that happened to you guys? ETA: I mean, I have seen stories where you get your shippy fluff without losing the epic plottyness (Al and Eli, I'm looking at you) so it's not an impossible request.
So. I... I like gen a lot. I really really wish there was more of it and since I'm writing some at the moment my ego I thought it would be pertinent to discuss it. Everybody says they like it but very few people write it, and when it comes out it gets maybe half the comments of the latest installment of "Yet More UST With [Your OTP Here]". What's with that?
I'm speaking in broad generalities, as usual. DISCUSS.
debate prompt