Fic: Tin Box 1/1

Jul 16, 2010 14:52

Title: Tin Box
Author: gatechic
Characters/Pairings: Wyatt/Adora.
Rating: G
Summary: Adora helps Wyatt pack the tin box.
Disclaimer: I don't own Tin Man and if I did, Adora would still be alive.
Words: 411

Adora wasn’t an Oracle, but she knew something bad was about to happen, she felt it in the air and in her heart. She saw it in the eyes of her husband: the worry, the trepidation, the uncertainty of what lay ahead for them.

How long would they have to run from the Longcoats? Where would they find the next place to stay? When will they eat next? Questions scrolled past in her mind as if she were reading a book, but with a book, she close it and walk away from it. The emotion changed in his eyes as his brows furrowed. There was no need for apologetic words; his eyes conveyed his sorrow. He was sorry he got her - his family - into this.

Eventually, married couples know what their spouses are thinking and Adora over the annuals, had learned to read her husband’s expressions. She knew what Wyatt was thinking and as he took a moment, pausing in his packing of the tin box, she put her hand on top of his. This wasn’t your decision alone, I made it, too, her eyes said to him and he forced a smile.

She picked up the toy horse and placed it in the box showing him that they were in this together. She picked up his badge and kissed it showing that she had no regrets. Reaching out, he took the badge from her and placed it in the box along with his gun and Jeb’s toy horse.

He closed the box, put it under the cabin, and then slowly, like a man feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders, stretched to his full height. His arms opened up, inviting her to embrace him and for him to embrace her.

There was nothing in the box to represent her. He didn’t need to put anything in there as he looked at his ring gleaming in the sunslight. She was represented in the band of gold that wrapped around his finger; she was the thumping of his heart every time she kissed him. And when she hugged him. And when she opened herself to him in their ballet of lovemaking.

There was nothing small enough to represent her and he was not about to part with his ring. That simple gold band was his strength, his desire to keep fighting.

Adora was his world and there wasn’t a tin box big enough to contain his love for her.

fic: oneshot, pairing: wyatt/adora, genre: angst, rating: g

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