Title: Road to Nowhere 4/?
Author: gatechic
Characters/Pairing: Garrett/Rebecca, Travis/Isabelle, Wyatt/Adora, a mean Zero, and a bunch of other OCs.
Rating: PG-16 (to be safe)
Summary: Zero, after imprisoning Wyatt Cain in the iron suit, arrests and splits up the Cain Clan. Now they must cope with life apart, in prison, and forced to work for the Sorceress and her Longcoats.
Warning: Zero does bad things. There's a hint of a rape (nothing graphic and it's something that most of us suspect Zero did in the mini).
Word Count: 3,244
Disclaimer: Tin Man characters belong to the SciFi Channel, RHI, Steven Long Mitchell and Craig W. Van Sickle. But Travis, Isabelle and Garrett belong to me (and I'll even loan them out). I also borrow from L. Frank Baum, Gregory Maguire and Rachel R Cosgrove (Payes). This is purely for fun and I'm not making a penny off of this.
A/N: This is a WIP. Some of my chapters were spared the Great Break-In of 2009, this is one of them. Thanks to those of you who support original characters, this would not have happened without it. Thanks to my betas:
buffybot76 and
Chapter 1//
Chapter 2//
Chapter 3 “You’re being taken to the Black Mountains.”