Zero Tolerance: Ghost Trap

Jul 10, 2008 17:10

Title: Ghost Trap
Characters: Ambrose, DG, the Cains, Zero, Azkadellia
Rating: G
Disclaimer: No profit was made in the writing of this fic.
Summary: Working to defeat The Witch.

Table of Contents

"I don't suppose you have any proton packs?" DG suggested, as she hurried after Zero, two of the admittedly heavy 'ghost traps' hanging across her shoulder.

Zero shot her an amused smile. "No such luck," he replied. "Doesn't matter - they'd probably be too heavy for us anyway."

"I was brought up on a farm, you know."

"In the real world, people get sore backs and... shoulders," he grimaced. "I don't imagine nuclear accelerators are all that portable." He hesitated.


"I think she's spreading her influence, the Dark Tower... The Tower seems very dark."

"We need to find my friends." She marched forward. Zero mumbled something before moving after her. He was right. The closer they got to where Cain and Ambrose, the darker the corridors became. It was so pervasive that chilled DG to the bone. She felt like the small little girl she was.

"We're nearly there, Princess," Zero's quiet voice assured her. She slipped her hand in his and squeezed it. He squeezed back, before releasing it. He rubbed the top of her back. "We can do this." Thus bolstered, DG nodded and moved forward.

Zero's sense of direction proved accurate again as they suddenly came upon the Mobats. Letting the traps slip into her hands, she threw them forward to land under them, ignoring the taunts of the witch and the pleads of Cain to leave them alone. The use of the proton packs were immediately evident as the mobats were disinclined to sit still. Ambrose distracted one which allowed DG time to press the paddles.

A blinding light burst out of the container, catching the mobat in its grip. Both the mobat and The Witch screeched in terror or pain. The mobat's spirit left its body and flew inside, the trap closing as soon as it did so. It jumped with electricity. The distraction was enough that by the time all the traps were closed the mobats were all captured. The halls filled with The Witch's screeches echoed through the halls as she melded back into the wall.

This had an immediate effect on the building itself which began to crumble around them. Entire chunks of not only the ceiling or the walls fell down but the floors beneath them. They grabbed each other's hands and pulled each through. Somehow, possibly by falling through the odd floor they managed to make it out. But they were not safe. The entire building turned into a giant fist. We're cooked.

"DG!" Azkadellia called out to her. Their hands connected and a shield formed, deflecting the blow. Zero set up another trap and threw it outside. Another screech assaulted their ears as The Witch resisted the pull. It seemed to take an age before she was finally captured. Zero was the first one to step forward. He tapped the trap with his foot. It crackled. "She's in there."

Azkadellia let go of her sister. "What are we going to go with her?" she asked.

"About crossing off 'putting her in an ominous cave' as an option," DG spoke up.

"I'm sure I could come up with something," Ambrose volunteered. Zero picked up the smoking trap and draped the cord around his neck.

Zero was a little surprised when Cain grabbed him by the collar and shoved him against a particularly flat piece of debris. The sharp point suggested that it wasn't quite smooth enough. "Cain! Put him down," DG ordered.

"Why didn't you tell me!?" Cain demanded. "Adora...! Betrayed me..." Tears now appeared.

"No, she didn't."

"We saw..." Jeb managed. "You telling us... she didn't spy."

Zero shook his head. "No... I'm saying... she put you in front of the kingdom."

"You're splitting hairs," Cain replied, pushing his really sore shoulder back.

Zero turned his gasp of pain into a laugh. "It's real easy for you to say that, safe in that Tin Suit." Ow, my shoulder! "Everything's black and white for you. You never had to make the choices I made where either someone died or they didn't. And I don't mean, 'you don't catch this guy and someone dies' kinda choice, I mean, you do this and someone dies or you do that and someone else dies. Least your wife had a good reason." He stared into Cain's eyes for a few moments. Cain bowed his head, letting him go.

Jeb took off. "Jeb!" DG followed him. "Jeb!" She caught up with him.

"I can't just stand by when that man 'defends' my mother!" he told her.

"I know how you feel." Jeb gave her a sceptical look. "Feeling like your life's a lie. Your mother betraying you?" DG nodded. "Yeah. I know. The people I thought were my parents, turns out were robots who after a quick reprogramming managed to switch sides to The Sorceress possessing my sister. We've a lot in common." She wiped at her eyes.

Jeb produced a handkerchief. "My mother gave me this," he told her, giving a sniff of his own. He let out a small laugh.


"Uh, I don't know. Here we are, the future queen of the O.Z., the captain of the Royal Guard, crying over our parents."

DG rewarded him with a smile of her own. "That is pretty funny." She looked over at the Tower's debris. "I guess we definitely going to have to replace the Tower."

Next: Prison Cell

genre: adventure, character-centric: cain, fic: work-in-progress, rating: g, character-centric: jeb, genre: drama, character-centric: dg, character-centric: zero

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