Tin Man / Star Wars comparisons

Dec 05, 2007 04:01

Hi all. :) Things were getting pretty obvious midway though part 1. And I do know that George Lucas drew from many, many stories to create the plot of the Star Wars trilogies. However, with the scifi tie-ins and the updated plot line, my husband and I found (and appreciated) a good many similarities between Tin Man and Star Wars. So, here we go.

DG = Luke/Leia
Spunky, farm kid, true royalty raised by an 'aunt and uncle', honestly faulted, brave, but kind

Azkadellia = Darth Vader
Down to her wardrobe, henchmen, speaking parts, internal conflict, and ancient, hideous master controlling her with dark forces from within... she's pretty much Anakin. She even force choked her little sister and the head of her guard, like Ani with Padme / Tarkin. Oh, and the whole 'let's build a machine that will kill everyone' ploy. So, that's weird. Anyway, I love Az, she's the boss.

Glitch = C-3PO
He's thin, humorous, twitchy, the most intelligent one of the lot, but also the most clueless. He's been with the characters and back-plot from the beginning, but he can't remember any of it, because his brain's been removed (3PO's memory was wiped). He was also close to the Queen, just as 3PO was.

Tutor = R2D2
He's seen it all, along with Glitch, but he can't say or do anything (mostly because he's a dog, but partly because Az's breathing down his neck). He's more handy than C-3PO in a touch spot, but he's a little more trouble than he's sometimes worth.

Lavender Eyes = Padme
Evidently spunky and graceful, left with a broken heart when torn apart from her children and husband, as one of them has turned 'to the dark side', quite literally. I'm fairly sure that was even said in the film. Lol.

Mystic Man = Obi-Wan
He was a good friend and confidante of the Queen, and served as a messenger/teacher to DG. He also appeared to her in a dream bubble as he was dying/a ghost. He was killed right before her eyes, but his death served a purpose and allowed him to better help her.

Raw = Chewbacca
Hello? Duh. Chewy had some cowardly tendencies, and Raw had some brash ways with henchmen. I think they're one in the same.

Cain = Han Solo
Oh, this is the good one. From the Indiana Jones hat (whoot, another Harrison film), to the Billy-Badass personality, to the trigger-happy hands, to the deep-down heart of gold... He's freakin' Han. Space Cowboy, down-to-earth cynic with a flair for sarcasm and a great interest in being part of a resistance. I love Cain. He should do Az. (UPDATE - He was also trapped in metal, like Han.)

That'd be hawt. Okay, fangirl moment done with. I got off track. Anyway, you see the similarities. Any thoughts?

Ohamo = Yoda.
Jeb = Lando. Oh yeah.

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