Title: The Reason Warning: Slash Rating: PG Challenge: None! Author's note: Originally posted to glitch_wyatt and tin_and_straw. I am currently working on an expanded version.
Is the reason Ahamo was banished the reason I'm thinking about?
*points to the warning at the top of the page, which might be considered a hint.*
Actually, there was a curious paratextual effect in the original posting; not only is a slash audience in general going to be predisposed to assume the story is intended to hint at Ambrose/Ahamo (which it is), but posting to these specific communities could be read as implying a relationship between Cain and Glitch as well, on which the last line would then cast a possible shadow (does Glitch like Cain for himself, or is he simply reverting to type without realizing it?). I suppose it's a way to cheat on the 100-word limit, by exploiting means of communication other than the words themselves.
Comments 4
Thank you!
Is the reason Ahamo was banished the reason I'm thinking about?
*points to the warning at the top of the page, which might be considered a hint.*
Actually, there was a curious paratextual effect in the original posting; not only is a slash audience in general going to be predisposed to assume the story is intended to hint at Ambrose/Ahamo (which it is), but posting to these specific communities could be read as implying a relationship between Cain and Glitch as well, on which the last line would then cast a possible shadow (does Glitch like Cain for himself, or is he simply reverting to type without realizing it?). I suppose it's a way to cheat on the 100-word limit, by exploiting means of communication other than the words themselves.
I didn't notice the Ahamo banishment thing until I read Moony's comment!
But... but... oh my gosh!
What a way to play with my old noggin this morning! :D I LOVE IT!
Happy to oblige! :-)
Thanks for the kind fb!
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