Challenge 27 OPENS

Jan 15, 2010 15:38

Happy New Year, Happy New ficcage possibilities.

I'm at a loss for a proper prompt, so I looked back at the previous ones. You guys used to get FIVE prompts at once?! O.o Or two! Or song lyrics... Remember, gang, I came in at the Big Damn Prompt Table...

Anyway, I decided to do a random image search, to see if anything caught my eye. Saw the same photo of a girl in the backseat of a car, using a cellphone, that I came across this morning for something else. There were also fir trees, a man in a tie, balloons... but what is generic enough that the Zone would have, but still have possibilities?

Long story short too late!:
From public to private; the clunker in Milltown to Ahamo's balloon; the Brick Route to the zip line; HELL! Cain carrying a plate from the kitchen sink to the table... the possibilities are endless! Hopefully. Crossovers, AUs, gen, porn!stick... *waves hand* Off you go.

Or, as a green lady once said: "Fly! FLY FLY FLY FLY FLY!" [/Wicked Witch impression]

[Challenge closes when we're bored of transportation.]

~challenge begins

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