Challenge 24 - Slip and Fall

Jun 22, 2009 11:36

Title: Slip and Fall oh, the double meaning ABOUNDS!
Word Count: 300
Characters: Jeb and DG (mention of Cain and Adora, kinda)
Challenge: 24 CABIN
Note: I do believe this rates as high- EP, as explained by gatechic. Inspired by koslorollo's painting excursion of today :)

DG was running the paintbrush along the edge of the cabinet top while Jeb was busy painting the doors over at the table. While Jeb didn't have the best memories of the cabin, and he hadn't been there long enough to truly call the place home, it was where his father wanted to be.

"Damn," DG breathed, which caused Jeb to look up. She looked between the chair and the counter and judged the distance - just enough to get the corner - and, somehow, Jeb was a step ahead. Shifting her foot, DG bit her lip and leaned forward.

In a second, the chair moved to one side and DG knew she was screwed. Opening her eyes, DG realized that she wasn’t dead on the floor, but secure in Jeb's arms.

"Are you trying to break your neck?" he asked with a raised brow. DG's breath caught as she considered her current situation. He was right there and smelled like paint and wood and- 'Stop,' her brain ordered. Shifting her weight, Jeb dropped his arm and helped her stand, but didn't let go.

"Maybe I was just testing your reflexes," she replied.

'Let go of her,' Jeb told himself. 'She's the princess, for Gale's sake.' The problem was: He didn't want to. And, he noted, she hadn't pulled away from him. She knew he didn't want to be there - and he didn't - but there was something about her that intrigued him.

He wanted to be near her. That close.


He wanted to be kissing her.

It took everything he had to step back - just enough for air to pass between them - and his eyes locked on hers. Before he could even blink, she lurched forward and kissed him.

'So wrong, so... so...'

The paintbrush hit the floor with a thunk.

drabbles by: erinm_4600, challenge 24 longcoats

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