Challenge 22: What Makes a Prince

Apr 11, 2009 09:40

Title: What Makes a Prince
Team: Tin Men
Characters: Jeb/DG
Word Count: 99
Challenge: 22 "Fool"

“Your parent’s must think I’m a fool,” Jeb said looking downtrodden.

“What? No! Why do you say that?” DG asked.

Jeb’s lip curled in a half-grin. “I’m not exactly a Prince.”

“By whose definition?”

“I’m not Royalty.”

“Neither is my father,” she cupped his face with her hands, “Jeb, if there’s one thing I learned on the other side is that just because a man is born into royalty, doesn’t make him a Prince. Besides, there isn’t one law here that states I have to marry Royalty. You’re a Prince, Jeb, maybe not by birth, but by your heart.”

drabbles by: gatechic, challenge 22 tin men

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