Title: Trap
diabolicalfiend Team: Longcoats
Word Count: 100
Characters: Azkadellia, DG, the Queen and Zero.
Challenge: 22: Fool
Azkadellia cackled. "Fool!" she sneered. "Fallen into my trap!"
Zero swallowed. "Ok. Hold on a minute." He smirked. He moved his bishop.
Azkadellia frowned. "Checkmate," she purred, moving her queen.
"SNAP!" DG agreed, giggling.
Zero looked from one girl to the other. He gazed at the set before finally, he huffed. "This doesn't leave the room."
"How are my girls doing?"
Zero 'accidentally' tipped the board over in his attempt to come to attention. Azkadellia smirked at her temporary guard. "Quite well, Mother, and you?"
"Well." She looked at Zero and whispered. "Knight to King Four." He had to blush.