Recently there was a post on
erinm_4600's journal about the truly insane number of LJ communities this fandom has produced, and how sad it was that some of them were getting deleted. It was somehow decided that a list should be made, and since I had some spare time tonight I took a stab at it.
THIS IS NOT COMPREHENSIVE. My search criteria consisted of communities with "Tin Man" as an interest, and I skipped personal fic and AU/story-specific comms, and things that had not been updated in over a year. And I skipped actor comms because...yeah.
Discussion/General/Fun Stuff
capslock_tinman - CAPSLOCK COMM.
loltinman - For the lolz. Like the above but with less risk of seizure.
the_o_z - Secondary general comm.
tin_man_art - Fanart.
tin_man_claims - Claims comm.
tin_man_icons - Icons!
tinman_fans - General comm.
tinman_meta - Meta and discussion. And silly hats.
tinman_stamps - Character stamping comm.
tmquotes - Quotes from around fandom.
Character-Specific Comms
rawesometm - Raw-centric comm.
zero_luv - Zero appreciation comm.
zipperxhead - Glitch appreciation comm.
Fanfic - General And Challenges
ohzeebooks - The coffeeshop/fic writer's lounge/home of epic fic.
ozocs_tavern - Celebrating the OCs.
thegraygale - Fanfic recs.
tinman100 - Drabble challenge community.
tinman_fic - General fic comm.
tinman_in_cuffs - Kink fic comm.
tm_challenge - Fic challenge comm (on hiatus).
tm_ficfest - Itty bitty fic challenges.
tm_storyfinders - Find lost fanfic here.
tmcrossovers - Crossover fics and recs.
tmfictionawards - Fanfic and video awards (on hiatus).
Fanfic - Ship-Specific
azkadellia_x_dg - Azkadellia/DG comm.
azkadellia_zero - Azkadellia/Zero comm.
dg_cain - DG/Cain comm (fic only).
dg_glitch - DG/Glitch comm.
glitch_wyatt - Glitch/Cain comm.
heartnbrain_req - Cain/Glitch fic requests.
jeb_az - Jeb/Azkadelia general comm.
mr_and_mrs_cain - Cain/Adora comm.
perfect_enemies - Cain/Zero comm.
queenandcounsel - Ambrose/the Queen comm.
sticksandspoons -DG/Jeb comm.
tin_and_jewels - Another Cain/DG comm.
tin_and_straw - Another Cain/Glitch comm.
tinman_rebel - Cain/Jeb comm.
zero_jeb - Zero/Jeb comm.
If I am missing any active comms let me know!