Title: Stilness of remembering
Pairing: Ninomiya Kazunari/Sho Sakurai
Disclaimer: I own nothing except my stories
Note: I wrote this fic listening "Dreams" by Fleetwood Mac...I'm so in love with this song *-*
Millions of hug to
shilriarizz who takes the time to find me in my cave and accept to be my beta <<33
How much could the probability of meeting him on this set be? One out one or two million? My life sucks. )
Comments 5
They were so broken, so hurt, but, nevertheless, their bond was never broken, they were both trying to reach the other's heart.
I'm so happy to read it...
*teary eyes*
Thank you soooooooo much!
You know, at first I ended the story when Nino takes a taxi and tries to squeak the door to show how much he remembers the time when they lived together, but I couldn't resist to an happy sakumiya ending!
I'm so happy you liked this story ♥♥♥
I'm so happy that my Sakumiya heart touched your♥
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