Title: Short Moment of Bliss
Pairing: YamaChii
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG
Word Count: 211 words
Summary: Base on this new shoppic
I was about to walk away when the photoshoot ended, stretching as I walked past the staff.
I bowed back to them as I walked past. "Otsukare."
And then suddenly, you grabbed me from behind.
"Eh? Ryosuke?"
You smiled and pointed at the camera in front of me.
Quickly, you hugged me from behind and I felt your arms circle around me, hanging loosely on my shoulder.
We both looked into the camera and I gave my brightest smile. I could feel your breath right in my ear. The camera clicked. "Arigatou." He smiled at us and gave us a thumbs up, indicating that we're free to go.
You patted my head as you removed your arms, patting my head in the progress.
I felt the warmth disappear from around me and my smile falter.
I watch as you walked away, bowing to the staff as you move to our rest room.
I wanted to shout out to you, to reach out and hold your hand. To pull you back to me so that I can feel that warmth once again but I didn't.
Instead, I trotted along behind you and was rewarded with that short moment of happiness when you turned around and gave me a warm smile.
A/N: I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE THIS PICTURE. So gonna get it when it's on sale. Currently my office's desktop wallpaper. <3
Scan credit to
maerrygoround in Ichibanojump. YamaChii saikouuuuu!