Do you know if they for sure cannot make the replicas because I really want one but I am not sure what to do. And I live in Canada so I can't get a rep beacuse it is for the states.
Last I heard, Dehen Cheer was willing to make the uniforms for outside buyers but without the WMHS logo in the front of the top.
Unfortunately, I don't have any information for Canadian costumers. :( Though we didn't order from a Rep, when my friends and I ordered, we ordered straight from the headquarters. Did they specifically say they don't ship to Canada? The only other way I can think of is finding an American friend who is planning to do the costume as well and they could put your order in with theirs.
When my friends and I placed the order, there were three of us so we made one order and my friend mailed us our uniforms when she got them.
Hello, I know this was posted a year ago but I was wondering if you still had all of the uniform details. If you do I would really appreciate it if you e-mailed it to me at My daughter really wants to be Brittany for Halloween :) Thanks
Hi, I know it has been a while since you posted this picture, but I want to dress like this in halloween.. do you have the info of where you bought the costume? My email is:
Comments 45
Unfortunately, I don't have any information for Canadian costumers. :( Though we didn't order from a Rep, when my friends and I ordered, we ordered straight from the headquarters. Did they specifically say they don't ship to Canada? The only other way I can think of is finding an American friend who is planning to do the costume as well and they could put your order in with theirs.
When my friends and I placed the order, there were three of us so we made one order and my friend mailed us our uniforms when she got them.
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