Title: Quidditch Is Serious Business
Author: timeywimeyball
Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre/s: Comedy
Characters/Pairing: Cho Chang, Pansy Parkinson, Harry Potter, Ginny Potter (nee Weasley), various members of the next generation; Cho/Pansy, Harry/Ginny
Rating: G
Spoilers: Everything- it is post-epilogue, after all
Summary: In which Pansy Parkinson
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Comments 5
And I look forward to your more substantive comment, once you have viewed you your Torchwoods. (I’m just praising BBC3 for replaying them later in the night myself, due to being Displeased With The iPlayer (or as some would call it, being lazy))
I really liked it, it's the first time I've read this pairing but they really work, in a weird but really good way :D And their youngest being all embarrassed because of their kiss made me giggle hahah Great fic! ;)
And yes, this *is* something of a unusual pairing...so I'm doubly glad to have introduced you to it, and not scared you off of it in the process :)
So yes- glad you enjoyed the fic with it's sillyness, Pansy being indignant, and the kids being horrified at the mere thought- let alone sight!- of their parents being...well, something other than 'the parents'
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/terribly late reply-comment
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