Open Hearts and Dark Theatres [RP for aces_are_rare]

Jul 29, 2008 03:07

It had been four days since their first 'date,' and the Doctor still found most of his thoughts focused on what had transpired between them. It was a curious thing, really; he'd loved her for so long, silently, and had nearly accepted the fact that it would remain that way. Now, however, he found himself grateful for the feeling of liberation it ( Read more... )

roleplay: with ace

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aces_are_rare July 29 2008, 18:33:29 UTC
Ace paused in the doorway between the console room and the rest of the TARDIS and leaned against the wall. She wasn't surprised to find the Professor here. For the last few days they'd been drifting in the vortex, allowing themselves time to simply be together (and, though neither would admit it, for them to get over the toxin scare.) But they weren't sedentary people, either of them, and it was time to leave the safety of the TARDIS ( ... )


aces_are_rare August 21 2008, 20:03:27 UTC
"I call 'em like I see 'em." Ace was amused to see the Professor's face tinted with red, and couldn't help grinning. She knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Popcorn would be bril. The big bag, with extra butter of course; there's nothing quite like movie theatre popcorn." She breathed in deeply, taking in the familiar and comforting smells of butter and salt, stale popcorn and slightly musty curtains, liquorice and chocolate. A thousand memories flickered through her mind, all happy. Movies were an escape, growing up. Nothing bad ever happened at the theatre.


timewill_tell August 22 2008, 19:11:34 UTC
The Doctor paid with ease, taking the bag to allow Ace to lead him. He was surprised to realize that he couldn't recall ever eating popcorn. He hadn't been to many films or theatres on Earth, but there had been a few rare occasions in his past when he'd had the opportunity, and yet he'd never eaten popcorn. It amused him and excited him, and he relished the smell of it.

Conversationally, he decided to inform Ace of his revelation, "You know, I've never had popcorn before. Is it popular with humans?"

As soon as he'd asked the question, he took a moment to glance around, noting the other couples with their bags and even tubs of popcorn.

"I suppose it is," he smiled. "A standard snack indulged in at films, apparently. Well, Ace, do pick us some good seats, won't you?"


aces_are_rare August 22 2008, 22:28:33 UTC
"It's part of the whole movie experience. It's not just about the eating, but the throwing at the screen if it's a bad movie, or at annoying people. And then there's the whole touch aspect; if you time it just right you can brush your hand against the other persons in an accidentally on purpose sort of way. Important, especially for early dates." Ace smiled and took a handful of the popcorn, eating all but one piece. That she flicked at the Professor's nose, to demonstrate.

As they walked through the double doors into the single theatre Ace was relieved to find that the few people who were already inside had chosen to sit in the middle rows. No one had yet claimed the back corner seats. She took the Professor's hand and led him to the left side. "This one right here will do."


timewill_tell August 23 2008, 04:02:08 UTC
He was being led, and couldn't very well pause; not without startling Ace, anyway. But he couldn't help noticing the design of the seats she was leading him to. Before he took his seat, he stood there a moment, a knowing smile on his face, but said nothing. He suspected these particular seats were vital to executing the "making a move" technique Ace had previously spoken of.

Finally, he took his seat, putting the bag of popcorn between them and swallowing a few bites of it. The texture was a bit strange, but it had a pleasant taste.

"I quite like this popcorn," the Doctor spoke, popping another kernel into his mouth.

The lights began to dim, and he settled back comfortably against the seat, eager to enjoy a film in a theatre like this. Though he supposed it was the company, more than anything, that made the experience most enjoyable.


aces_are_rare August 30 2008, 04:20:43 UTC
There was something about movie theatres, the moment before the movie began but after the lights had dimmed. Perhaps it was simply the anticipation of what was to come, or the memories of her childhood, but the moment always sent a shiver down her spine. Magical, if she believed in magic, which she didn't. At least, not most of the time.

Ace leaned back in the double seat, bare inches separating her from the Professor. She glanced at him from the corner of her eye and grinned when he tossed another piece of popcorn into his mouth. There were times when she almost forgot he was not human, and centuries old. Times like this, when he looked almost boyish, playing with popcorn, looking expectantly at the screen. She reached over and played with one of te curls that was sticking out just behind one ear.

There were only a few other people in the theatre, and they all grew silent as the credits began to roll. Ace reached for the bucket of popcorn, her fingers touching the Professors almost accidentialy as she picked up a piece.


timewill_tell September 8 2008, 22:35:16 UTC
The Doctor smiled softly as he felt Ace's fingers brush delicately against his; he smiled more for the sensation than anything else, because as he looked at her, it didn't appear as though she had done it on purpose. Then again, much of this entire situation was suspect, though he wasn't about to say anything, lest he ruin whatever Ace had planned. He didn't know what she had planned, only that she had something planned, something more than just an innocent film viewing. He smiled wider at the thought, almost relishing the playfulness of the moment.

Trying to be subtle, he reached for another kernel of popcorn and deliberately brushed his fingers against hers, though not too forcefully. When he popped the kernel into his mouth, he reached out to brush at a strand of her hair, pushing it away from her eyes.


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