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Oct 20, 2020 01:03

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Comments 36

arkanefyre March 7 2009, 16:28:06 UTC
Hello! Je m'appelle arkanefyre. Je suis I LOVE YOUR FICS.

Could you add me please? :D


timetraveled March 7 2009, 19:22:15 UTC
Hellooooo. Added you back :) Je suis I LOVE YOU FOR LOVING MY FICS.


hellkat75 June 7 2009, 01:40:16 UTC
o hai Cathy!


timetraveled June 7 2009, 01:42:23 UTC
o hai Mel! :D I've been meaning to add you! ♥


denija November 27 2009, 02:30:07 UTC
Hi! I'm adding you cause I love your Bradley/Colin fics and I hope you'll do some more. :) You are amazing writer. ♥


timetraveled November 27 2009, 11:19:42 UTC
:3 You've made a very good first impression with such a sweet comment! Thank you ♥ Adding you back now :)


kitchensink13 December 4 2009, 07:09:11 UTC
Hello! I'm adding you as a friend because I've switched journals and want to keep up with your posts on this one.

(I added you originally because I loved your Harry Potter fic, but I've been introduced to Merlin/Torchwood, etc., etc. by reading your posts, so I don't want to stop even though there is little Potter!fic to be had. :P)


timetraveled December 4 2009, 09:35:20 UTC
Hi! Added you back :) Sorry about the lack of HP, but I'm glad to hear you're sticking around for the Merlin/Torchwood stuff!


kitchensink13 December 5 2009, 01:01:13 UTC
Heh. When I catch up on all my TV shows maybe I'll start watching Merlin so that I actually know what's going on in your fics. :P


timetraveled December 5 2009, 12:17:39 UTC
...oh! I thought you'd seen Merlin! XD Well, I've only written one Merlin fic, while the rest are about the actors. You should watch it for them because the whole cast is lovely. As for Torchwood, I don't really like thinking about that show anymore because it makes me sad :(


arwraig December 22 2009, 12:08:04 UTC
Wow, i love your fics! So cute and totally how I see Colin and Bradley interacting - they're such goofs *smiles schmoopily* So, I am adding you as a friend - will you do the same, pretty please? *chinhands*


timetraveled December 22 2009, 12:31:05 UTC
:) Your comment made me smile! Of course I'll add you back! ♥


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