Inception fic?!

Jul 30, 2010 16:43

title: Don't Think About Cuddling (And now you're thinking about it. See what I did there? Hurr hurr.)
pairing: Arthur/Eames (because I can't resist a pairing where one calls the other darling :3)
words: 1083
rating: PG
note: for the "cuddling by the fire" square for my schmoop_bingo card. Eames plants the idea of cuddling in Arthur's head.

“Life's too short to have a face like a smacked arse all the time.” )

schmoop bingo, arthur/eames, fanfic

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Comments 48

momebie July 30 2010, 16:04:47 UTC
Haha, poor Arthur. Attracting homeless people would be dreadful. :p


timetraveled August 2 2010, 11:06:41 UTC
Cue Arthur making a joke about Eames dressing like a hobo :P


(The comment has been removed)

timetraveled August 2 2010, 11:06:56 UTC


ilovetakahana July 30 2010, 16:09:28 UTC
Aww, Arthur!

And yes, Eames really is a glutton for warmth.

What a sweet and cute story. Poor skinny boys can't get warm - so there are affectionate forgers to look after them! <3<3<3


timetraveled August 2 2010, 11:09:22 UTC
Never have truer words been said :D Thanks for reading! <3


aimlesstravels July 30 2010, 16:11:02 UTC
Oh, so lovely. :)


timetraveled August 2 2010, 11:09:34 UTC
Thank you! :)


newbluemoon July 30 2010, 16:16:26 UTC
Agh! My heart!

But this is just ridiculously adorable. <3


timetraveled August 2 2010, 11:10:36 UTC
Thank you, glad you enjoyed :)


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