Aug 21, 2010 22:49

Because I realized what an intense stalker Sherlock is and I need to know these things before I break everyone's rules sob.

Can Sherlock stalkerknow your
character's name?:
character's age?:
character's location?:
character's relatives?:
close friends?:
phone number?:


Can Sherlock stalkerknow your...
character's name?: (full name here)
character's age?: (actual and visible age here; meaning, if they look younger or older than they are, please note this)
character's location?: (exact location or locations presiding here; this includes anyone they may frequently stay with or visit)
character's relatives?: (anyone significant, 'adopted' relatives count, too, this mostly has to do with people on the community though if there are any relationships in canon worth noting that he could use as information, feel free to add it in)
close friends?: (please make a short list; simply networking connections)
occupation?: (it seems unimportant but he's thorough okay)
phone number?: (please link your inbox here, he will text you eventually, I guarantee it :|)

If you respond no to anything, please let me know if there are any other methods Sherlock can obtain said information; I'm completely willing to work with you on how he does so, be it more direct interaction/harassment/etc. If there is anything else you'd like to cover, go ahead and add it on and if there is anything about Sherlock you'd like your character to be able to figure out, I am totally up for talking that out too c8 Ask any questions you want, too, I'm up for any kind of discussion!

✒ permissions, ✒ out of character

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