This is a somewhat sequel to an earlier Holiday based fic Comfort and Joys. I hope that you enjoy. Set in the comicsverse (slight AU). Shan/Kitty forever.
Oh, so much love for this! Edit out the line of which we spoke, and it'll be just perfect.
The summation of what Shan means to Kitty fits both the characters and the story fabulously, and Kitty's musings about how to handle their obvious connection, and Shan's feelings for her, without being too forward (and possibly wrecking what they already have?) were quite realistic.
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The summation of what Shan means to Kitty fits both the characters and the story fabulously, and Kitty's musings about how to handle their obvious connection, and Shan's feelings for her, without being too forward (and possibly wrecking what they already have?) were quite realistic.
And the kiss! *melts*
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