Probably long past time for me to write something up about this, but hey, better late than never, right? That's my view anyway, and I'm sticking to it.
Anyway, as has probably been fairly evident to all who have played with him, this Link isn't completely canon-compliant. He is, in fact, based more on the personal fanon I and another mun have come up with than any sort of canon, really. And as our personal philosophy tends to be "If it doesn't explicitly say we can't do it, it's fair game!", there's some pretty weird shit going on with our favorite Hero, here. So let's start with the basics, first.
Basics: Link follows canon up to the end of Ocarina of Time and through most of the events of Majora's Mask. I'll assume most of you are familiar with the canon at least somewhat, but as a crash course: Kid finds sword. Kid discovers destiny. Kid goes on adventures and gets shiny stuff. Kid meets evil overlord. Kid finds better sword, sleeps seven years of his life away. Kid goes on more adventures and gets more shinies. Kid defeats evil overlord, puts better sword back where he found it, and gets those seven years of his life back. Kid goes to new world/kingdom/whatever, goes on more adventures, gets more shiny stuff and lotsa masks, and defeats evil sentient mask that is causing the moon to fall toward new world/kingdom/whatever.
Still with me? Here's where things start to get a little wonky. Rather than disappearing into the sunset and/or night as is implied by the beginning of Wind Waker, Link goes back to Hyrule. Seeing as Ganondorf was defeated in the future, he's still around and causing trouble in the current timeline. Link's none too happy about that, so he decides to stick around to keep tabs on the guy. He can't pull the Master Sword and wail on the guy, since the minute he does, he'll go back to sleep, current-timeline!Ganondorf will get the Triforce, and things will be back where they started. So for the moment, all he can do is watch and wait.
After a few years of nothing, he decides to go exploring, and through means too tedious and mundane to go over, he finds himself in the Nexus of all realities. Jubilations. This seems to trigger some sort of connection between his world and the Nexus, and eventually future!Ganondorf (the one that got whupped and sealed away) shows up in the Nexus as well. Somehow, this sparks the idea in G's head that, hey, if he can meet people from the past here, maybe it won't be so hard to make it to the past himself.
Eventually he does so, disrupting the balance of Hyrule and throwing the Triforce all out of whack. See, he brought his Triforce shard back with him, and two Triforces that are basically carbon-copies of each other make bad things happen. The kind of things that make people go "This is not the good acid". The full Triforce, in an attempt to rectify this, tries to draw G's Triforce into itself, and a weird sort of tug-o'-war ensues. G is eventually the victor, drawing this timeline's Triforce of Power into himself as well. This unhinges his mind more than a little bit, and also leaves the other two Triforces unbalanced. What happens when the Triforce is unbalanced? Right, the other pieces go to their respective wielders. So despite the fact that the Sacred Realm is still sealed by the Master Sword, all of the Triforce shards are oot and aboot in the world again. Fun stuff.
Future!G eventually assimilates current!G into himself as well (Jeez, is Ganondorf the Borg?), but that's neither here nor there, and this is Link's journal, so we'll continue with him. Link notices that he has the Triforce of Courage again, because really, divine blessings don't try to hide themselves much. Being the paranoid sort of dude that he is, he (correctly) jumps to the conclusion that G-dorf is back, and that brings us to where we stand right now. Ganondorf's working on something or other, and Link's worrying.
You thought I was done? Oh no, we're not finished yet. We haven't touched on his relationship with a certain shadowy doppelganger, yet. In this particular timeline (like many fan-created plots), Dark Link is not merely Link's shadow; he's a completely separate person, with his own goals, morals, and eccentric thought-processes. The backstory? If you really care, read on.
Turns out that before he was the Hero, Link was an angelic being in the employ of the Goddesses, as was DL. Link was Farore's personal Champion, and DL was Din's. Nayru had a Champion too, but I'll go into that later.
So everything was peachy-keen for a while. Then the goddesses noticed that Bad Shit Was Happening in their beloved land of Hyrule. After much deliberation (which may or may not have included copious amounts of heavenly booze; the jury is still out), they decided to introduce three balancing factors into Hyrule: The Hero, the Evil King, and the Princess. But who to choose as the hero?
Thus, a contest would be the deciding factor. The three Champions, along with many others drawn from the ranks of each Goddesses soldiers, duked it out to see who would be the Hero. Eventually, only three remained; Link, Dark Link, and Nayru's Champion, who eventually stopped being a factor in the competition.
Now, DL had been better than Link at every competition. Faster, stronger, more cunning. But in the end, the goddesses chose Link anyway. Why? Only the goddesses know, though I personally believe that it's because Link could take a loss and still keep fighting. The world may never know...
In any case, Link won, got his memory of the heavens wiped, and was sent down to Hyrule to become the mortal Hero with the immortal spirit. Needless to say, DL was not pleased. Through a series of events that are known to DL's mun, he got himself banished from heaven and stripped of his real name. And that's how things stand right now.
Oh, Nayru's Champion? Well, remember all those masks I mentioned earlier? There was one very special mask that Link received during his travels. Yes, you know the one I'm talking about. Nayru's champion is none other than the Fierce Deity. The Goddesses saw a threat in Majora, and so sent the Fierce Deity to take care of it. Upon his failure, he bound his soul into a mask to continue his mission. Through means unknown, Majora got hold of the Fierce Deity mask, and was later bound by the very tribe that worshipped it. Happy Mask salesman unbound it, Link got the Fierce Deity mask and whupped Majora, bada-bing, bada-boom. So in a spiritual sense, the Fierce Deity could be considered Link's "brother".
Yeah. Told you it was fucked up.
I assume you survived the teal deer well enough. If plotline was all you were interested in, that's it. You're done. Thanks for reading. If you're looking for Link's abilities or contact info, I direct you to the following links. Er, no pun intended, of course.
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