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[Private | Audio] SUSPICIOUS!NINE IS SUSPICIOUS ears_fantastic February 24 2011, 18:54:15 UTC

The TARDIS hasn't been affected.


[Private | Audio] timesbureaucrat February 24 2011, 19:20:34 UTC
Care to elaborate?


[Private | Audio] ears_fantastic February 24 2011, 22:43:13 UTC
Are you testing my knowledge or is there something specific you want to know?


[Private | Audio] timesbureaucrat February 24 2011, 23:00:42 UTC
I'm not a professor and this isn't the Academy. I'm simply gathering information for a potential research project. It occurred to me that since the Time Lords have been isolationists for a very long time we don't know much about voluntary cross-species psychic links. You've spent a great deal of time around aliens, so you seemed like the obvious resource to ask. [Lying is the most automatic thing in the world for Narvin. Easy as opening his mouth.]


[Private | Audio] ears_fantastic February 24 2011, 23:28:08 UTC
You're right. I have spent a lot of time around aliens.

What is it that you're really after, Narvin? You asked me, not my seventh or fourth versions. I imagine my tenth self stands on similar ground to you as I do. So, why me?


[Private | Audio] timesbureaucrat February 24 2011, 23:59:51 UTC
As it happens, I *have* talked to some of your other selves about this. I'm not singling you out. [Well, he talked to Ten in a very round about way and using an entirely different excuse. But a partial truth is the best kind of lie.]

Since you and your human are particularly close, I want to know if you've experienced any faint traces of a weak psychic link forming, the way it can between Time Lords.

[It's a trade off, Narvin knows. If Nine *doesn't* already know about the link with Kay, then this will surely give him Suspicions. But Narvin hopes that by de-emphasizing, he can make it seem like he's in the very first and very very weak, barely-there phases and not well established in Kay's head. And if Nine *was* the one who warned Kay, then Nine knows already and Narvin loses nothing.]


[Private | Audio] ears_fantastic March 8 2011, 04:37:01 UTC
Right. [Nine is not buying it. But it doesn't matter.]

In the past, yes. [TOTALLY LEAVING ROSE OUT OF THIS.] You're experiencing a link forming with a human? [He's pretty certain it's Kay.]


[Private | Audio] timesbureaucrat March 8 2011, 05:38:57 UTC
I didn't say that.

[He looks away as if troubled by the possibility.]

I...might be.


[Private | Audio] ears_fantastic March 8 2011, 05:44:34 UTC
No, but you heavily implied it.

Kay, is it?


[Private | Audio] timesbureaucrat March 8 2011, 06:11:04 UTC
It's none of your business who it is. [But really, who else would it be?]

I'm going to discourage it from developing further, in any event. [Lies. It's already a fully developed link and Narvin did nothing to stop it from becoming that way.]


[Private | Audio] ears_fantastic March 8 2011, 06:16:23 UTC
He seems to be your only friend here. It's sort of obvious.



[Private | Audio] timesbureaucrat March 8 2011, 06:45:12 UTC
[Narvin is ignoring the first bit.]

Are you really asking why I might prefer not to have an alien influence in my head? [Narvin's fairly well convinced now that it was not Nine who talked to Kay.]


[Private | Audio] ears_fantastic March 8 2011, 06:50:50 UTC
[He's smirking.]

Yes, I am.


[Private | Audio] timesbureaucrat March 8 2011, 06:53:21 UTC

Despite appearances, you're not a complete idiot. I'm sure you can figure it out. I'll even give you three hints. C. I. A.


[Private | Audio] ears_fantastic March 8 2011, 06:56:20 UTC
Oh, thank you.

Just curious for your reasoning, that's all. I know it would bother me, a permanent link with a human.


[Private | Audio] timesbureaucrat March 8 2011, 06:59:52 UTC
Really? [Narvin sounds genuinely curious.] I thought you adored the primitive apes. You seemed to prefer their company to your own kind--before you killed off your own kind.


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