Title: Ninety Years from Now 7/12
Pairing: JongKey
Genre: History!au, romance, drama, humor
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Summary: Kim Kibum lives in 1920s Korea under the strict rule of Japan. After an unfortunate collision with a wall, he finds himself in...2014?
1 2 3 4 5 6)
The future is weird. )
Comments 8
also happy bday kibum
i will read this now <3
“Welcome home, honey!” oblivious!kibum makes me smile so much gahhhh
Jonghyun closes the door to the bedroom as he changes and Kibum stares impatiently at the barrier between him and his friend, omg i just picture kibum here as some dog waiting for his master this is so cute <3 and i still wonder why jonghyun is so shy because you point it out all the time so there must be some reason behind it hmmmmmm
Jonghyun clad in a t-shirt and sweatpants hnggG
“That’s okay,” Jonghyun replies immediately, his smile light. “Don’t worry about it too much. jonghyun is so sweet to him and it makes me heart clench
Jonghyun becomes sheepish. “I...well, I’m really not interesting, Kibum.” ;-; i wanna hug jonghyun
“Stuff?” Kibum blinks.
Jonghyun groans, burying his face in his arms. “Kibum, I swear, sometimes talking to you is like talking to a five year old.” little parts like this is what i love about this fic omg but it must be frustrating for jonghyun
“I...gave him my virginity,” Jonghyun shrugs, coughing ( ... )
Kibum perks up like a neglected puppy why is this imagery so cute ;_;
It’s just in his shy nature, he guesses. jonghyun shy? i guess he is/can be but it still made me smile lol oh key
awwww they have their own spots for watching movies that's so cute
Ah poor Jonghyun :( I had a feeling something hadn't gone right in his past, poor bb
“I’m sorry,” he says again anyway i love that you wrote this in, makes it really realistic because we all do this
sometimes people in movies have to discover something about themselves to return home safely xD it's the spirit guide way ~~
Every now and then, Kibum will cry himself to sleep. aaaaannndd you just broke my heart :(
a small, thoughtful sticky note left in his place this makes my heart feel a little better though <3
But no matter how furious he is, Kibum just ends up crying himself to sleep again. ( ... )
First of all, Happy Birthday, Bum Bum!!
Second of all, I totally feel you, Kibummie! I always get nagged away from my phone by my mum to go clean my room, go bathe, go do this and that, so when you finally get a chance to do NOTHING, shit just piles up and you realise, SHIT MY ROOM IS A DUMP I GOTTA CLEAN.
And Jjong's story was heartbreaking, really, because I can relate. This guy got dared to kiss me in front of the entire school, and I decided, "Okay," mainly because I thought he liked me, but he took my first kiss and got fist-bumps and back slaps and I never saw him again. I never felt so cheated, I swear.
And Jongkey's first fight! A wild Kibum appears! What will happen now??
:((( i cannot wait for the next chapter this is so lovely! but sad too :( ahh silly sixteen yro jonghyun :(
as you can see i am incapable of a nice reply. hmmmmm. i can't wait for the next chapter hehe :3
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